
Terms for subject General containing environmental compliance | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
CECP – Construction Compliance Environmental PlanПлан обеспечения экологической безопасности строительных работ
environmental complianceприродоохранная деятельность (Environmental Compliance means conforming to environmental laws, regulations, standards and other requirements such as site permits to operate. In recent years, environmental concerns have led to a significant increase in the number and scope of compliance imperatives across all global regulatory environments. Being closely related, environmental concerns and compliance activities are increasingly being integrated and aligned to some extent in order to avoid conflicts, wasteful overlaps and gaps. WK. Арендодатель несет ответственность за природоохранную деятельность в Торговом Центре = Lessor shall be responsible for environmental compliance in the Shopping Centre. Alexander Demidov)
environmental complianceэкологическая безопасность (Environmental Compliance means conforming to environmental laws, regulations, standards and other requirements such as site permits to operate. In recent years, environmental concerns have led to a significant increase in the number and scope of compliance imperatives across all global regulatory environments. Being closely related, environmental concerns and compliance activities are increasingly being integrated and aligned to some extent in order to avoid conflicts, wasteful overlaps and gaps. WK Alexander Demidov)
environmental compliance auditпроверка на предмет соблюдения экологического законодательства (Alexander Demidov)
environmental compliance monitoringконтроль соблюдения экологического законодательства (Continuous process of obtaining information to determine if the parties required under law to control their polluting discharges and emissions are doing so. Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
environmental non-complianceнарушение законодательства в области охраны окружающей среды (Environmental Non-Compliance Procedures and International Law Alexander Demidov)
environmental non-complianceнарушение экологических норм (A study into environmental non-compliance by the United States Environmental Protection Agency found that the vast majority of non-compliance events were. Alexander Demidov)
environmental safety and complianceэкологическая безопасность (Ensuring Environmental Safety And Compliance. Redhills provides specialist environmental consultancy on compliance to companies engaged in all types of ... Alexander Demidov)