
Terms for subject Microsoft containing endpoints | all forms
abstract endpoint definitionабстрактное определение конечной точки (The abstract type of an endpoint, which defines common characteristics of a class of endpoints. Examples include, Web Site Endpoint, Http Client Endpoint, Http Server Endpoint)
API endpointконечная точка API (Microsoft Azure Rori)
API endpoint domainдомен конечной точки API (Azure Rori)
application endpointконечная точка приложения (An endpoint at which an application provides or uses a service and is of provider or consumer type, respectively. Rori)
consumer endpointконечная точка потребителя (An endpoint where an application or system uses a service)
conversation endpointконечная точка диалога (The object which represents a party participating in the conversation)
database connection endpointконечная точка подключения к базе данных (An endpoint representing the connection to a database)
Defines the binding element that is used when the client must expose an endpoint for the service to send messages back to the client.Определяет элемент привязки, используемый в том случае, когда клиент должен предоставлять конечную точку службе для отправки сообщений обратно клиенту (Visual Studio Web Tooling 2012 Rori)
endpoint action data policyполитика данных для действия конечной точки (A policy that determines which XML elements in a document are valid for a particular action associated with an endpoint)
endpoint action policyполитика действий конечной точки (A policy that determines which actions are valid for a particular endpoint)
endpoint addressадрес конечной точки (A uniform resource identifier (URI) that specifies the location of an endpoint. Every endpoint has an address associated with it, which is used to locate and identify the endpoint)
endpoint mapperсопоставитель конечных точек (A service on a remote procedure call (RPC) server that maintains a database of dynamic endpoints and allows clients to map an interface/object UUID pair to a local dynamic endpoint)
Endpoint Protection Managerменеджер Endpoint Protection (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can define and monitor security policies)
Endpoint Protection pointточка Endpoint Protection (Роль системы сайта, используемая Configuration Manager для принятия условий лицензионного соглашения Endpoint Protection microsoft.com bojana)
endpoint stateсостояние конечной точки (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
input endpointвходная конечная точка (The IP and port on which a role instance receives inbound traffic. Each type of role has restrictions on the number and type of input endpoints that can be defined. A web role can have no more than one HTTP endpoint and one HTTPS endpoint. A work role can have no more than five HTTP, HTTPS, or TCP endpoints (any combination). A VM role can have only one HTTP, HTTPS, or TCP endpoint)
logical server endpointконечная точка логического сервера (An endpoint which represents a connection point for a logical server and is of client or server type. Rori)
OAuth 2.0 token endpointконечная точка маркера OAuth 2.0 (The endpoint on the authorization server where the client application exchanges an authorization grant for an access token. Rori)
provider endpointконечная точка поставщика (An endpoint through which an application system exposes or provides a service of some kind)
proxy endpointконечная точка прокси (An endpoint that represents a connection point for an application system. Proxy endpoints provide access to or from members of the system from outside the system. A proxy endpoint delegates its behavior to an endpoint on a member of the system)
service endpointконечная точка службы (An endpoint through which an application system exposes or provides a service of some kind)
service RPC endpointконечная точка службы для удалённого вызова процедур (Alex_Odeychuk)
the Rest API endpoint is already enabled.Конечная точка API-интерфейса Rest уже включена (Exchange Server)
Use intranet range of dynamic endpoints.Использовать динамические конечные узлы в интрасети (Windows 8 Rori)
Web service endpointконечная точка веб-службы (An endpoint that exposes a Web service. Rori)
zone endpointконечная точка зоны (An endpoint that represents a connection and communication endpoint for a zone and is inbound outbound or bidirectional type. A zone endpoint delegates communication to endpoints on logical servers within the zone)