
Terms containing eat humble pie | all forms | in specified order only
austral.eat a little humble pieприкусить язык (от зависти перед лицом чужого богатства: I arrived home with the money, forcing dad to eat a little humble pie. Marina Smirnova)
uncom.eat humble pieоказаться в унизительном положении (будучи вынужденным публично признать свою неправоту Anglophile)
idiom.eat humble pieпризнавать свою вину (опустив голову Taras)
gen.eat humble pieпокоряться
idiom.eat humble pieвзять свои слова обратно (в контексте; to admit that one has been wrong and apologize: The Queen's Press secretary was forced to eat humble pie yesterday and publicly apologize to the duchess. 4uzhoj)
reg.usg.eat humble pieпризнать свою неправоту
idiom.eat humble pieунизительно извиняться
gen.eat humble pieсмиренно переносить оскорбления
idiom.eat humble pieпризнавать свою неправоту (Some politicians are so arrogant that they won't eat humble pie even when it's clear they've made a mistake. They just say they were "misinformed". englishclub.com inyazserg)
idiom.eat humble pieпризнать свою неправоту (to be forced to apologize abjectly or admit one's faults in humiliating circumstances: Some politicians are so arrogant that they won't eat humble pie even when it's clear they've made a mistake. They just say they were "misinformed".)
fig., uncom.eat humble pieприйти с повинной (редко и в переносном значении)