
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing drop off | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
drop offзасыпать на ходу (struggle as she might, she kept dropping off Val_Ships)
drop off of radarsисчезать с радаров (Himera)
drop off the gridисчезнуть (на некоторое время Val_Ships)
drop off the gridвыпасть из поля зрения (Val_Ships)
drop off the radarпропасть без следа (we don't have any solid evidence, except some people definetely dropped off the radar Val_Ships)
drop off the radarпропасть без вести (Val_Ships)
drop off the radarисчезнуть из поля зрения (He just dropped off the radar and nobody heard of him lately. Val_Ships)
drop-offявное снижение (посещаемости Val_Ships)
drop-offявное снижение (как эффект: a drop–off in attendance Val_Ships)