
Terms for subject Makarov containing drink a toast | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
drink a toastпровозгласить тост
drink a toast toвыпить за чьё-либо здоровье (someone: We drink a toast to her at every communal dinner. – Times, Sunday Times collinsdictionary.com)
drink a toast toпить за (someone – кого-либо)
drink a toast toпить за чьё-либо здоровье (We drink a toast to her at every communal dinner. – Times, Sunday Times collinsdictionary.com)
drink a toast toвыпить (за кого-либо/что-либо: The two couples sit together and drink a toast to love. • Champagne corks popped and the guests drank a toast to the happy couple.)
drink a toast to the bride and bridegroomвыпить за здоровье жениха и невесты