
Terms for subject Astronautics containing downstream | all forms | exact matches only
downstream heat transferтеплопередача по потоку
downstream heat transferтеплопередача по направлению течения
downstream influenceраспространение возмущений вниз по потоку
downstream injectionвпрыск топлива по потоку
downstream injectionвпрыск по потоку
downstream sensorдатчик, установленный вниз по потоку
downstream space sectorсектор потребления (The space sector is divided into two complementary segments.The segment that uses these objects to deliver products and services on Earth for largely commercial (but also environmental and scientific) exploitation, such as telecoms, is called "Downstream". gov.uk)
downstream space sectorнисходящий космический сектор (The space sector is divided into two complementary segments.The segment that uses these objects to deliver products and services on Earth for largely commercial (but also environmental and scientific) exploitation, such as telecoms, is called "Downstream". gov.uk)
downstream velocityскорость потока за телом