
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing did | all forms | exact matches only
did not make this decision lightlyнелегко далось это решение ("I know that this is an extraordinary use of my powers under the Police Act and I did not make this decision lightly," Farnworth said in a Wednesday afternoon news conference. -- мне нелегко далось это решение cbc.ca ART Vancouver)
did you know that ...?известно ли вам, что ...? ("that" is often left out in informal speech: "Did you know there are only four bridges that cross the Grand Canal in Venice?" "Interesting." ART Vancouver)
didn't think very hard, did you?долго думал? (сарказм; о неумном поступке: Didn't think very hard, did you? ART Vancouver)
do a few choresсделать кое-какие дела (Sorry I didn't call right back, I had to do a few chores in the backyard. ART Vancouver)
do basic maintenanceподдерживать в исправном состоянии (выполнять основные работы: "So they collected rents for all these years and didn't do basic maintenance? Where did the money go and who was responsible?" "They did do basic maintenance; they replaced our finger dock with a new one about 6 years ago now." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
do everything rightвыполнить всё, как полагается (We've played by the rules, we've done everything right. ART Vancouver)
do everything rightсделать всё, как положено (We've played by the rules, we've done everything right. ART Vancouver)
do everything we possibly canсделать всё, что в наших силах (We're going to do everything we possibly can in this situation. ART Vancouver)
do the right thingпоступить так, как нужно (in the circumstances: NEW: Twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton calls Tucker Carlson a “useful idiot” and a “puppy dog.” Hillary is mad that a journalist is doing journalism. You know Tucker is doing the right thing when this woman is mad at him. (Twitter) • Falcon did acknowledge he would consider making some sort of deal if it meant defeating the BC NDP. “What I care about is putting the interests of the province well ahead of my own interests and I will always do the right thing for free enterprise,” Falcon said. (globalnews.ca) ART Vancouver)
I did it of my own accordя это сделал по моему собственному желанию
I wish it did!если бы! ("Is our weekend forecast looking as good?" "I wish it did! Unfortunately, there's rain in it." ART Vancouver)
never did I imagine thatя и вообразить не мог, что (Two of the world's very first desktop computers have been discovered during a house clearance in London. The chance discovery revealed two of only three surviving Q1 computers anywhere in the world. Brendan O'Shea, head of Just Clear which discovered the items, says: 'Never did I imagine that we'd find something so important to the field of technology and the history of computing.' (dailymail.co.uk) ART Vancouver)
never did I imagine thatя и представить себе не мог, что (Two of the world's very first desktop computers have been discovered during a house clearance in London. The chance discovery revealed two of only three surviving Q1 computers anywhere in the world. Brendan O'Shea, head of Just Clear which discovered the items, says: 'Never did I imagine that we'd find something so important to the field of technology and the history of computing.' (dailymail.co.uk) ART Vancouver)
where on earth did you spring from?Откуда ты взялся? (ART Vancouver)