
Terms for subject General containing development activity | all forms | in specified order only
Bank for Development and Foreign Economic ActivitiesБанк развития и внешнеэкономической деятельности (E&Y Alexander Demidov)
International Coordinating Committee for the Presentation of Science and Development of Out-of-School Scientific ActivitiesМеждународный координационный комитет по распространению научных знаний и развитию внешкольной научной деятельности
property development activityстроительная активность (Property market review – analysis shows considerable shift in the employment base in the four comparator areas but limited new property development activity. | policy shapes the structure and relations of property-development activity, and how this influence varies from place to place. | The market context of property development activity | Property development activity hits new five year low Alexander Demidov)
technology development activitiesтехнико-внедренческая деятельность (ABelonogov)