
Terms containing date of shipment | all forms | in specified order only
mil.advise date of shipmentсообщить дату отгрузки
mil.advise method and date of shipmentсообщить способ и дату отправки
torped.date of readiness for shipmentдата готовности к отгрузке
tech.date of shipmentсрок отгрузки
econ.date of shipmentдата отгрузки
mar.lawdate of shipmentдата отправки (груза)
torped.date of shipmentдата погрузки
nautic.date of shipmentдата отправки
torped.date of taking goods for shipmentдата принятия товара к отгрузке
dril.from the date of shipmentс момента поставки (Yeldar Azanbayev)
busin.latest date of shipmentкрайний срок отправки (If the letter of credit indicates a latest date of shipment, then the beneficiary has to complete the shipment of goods on or before this date. PitheS)