
Terms for subject General containing country of origin | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
all furs are plainly marked as to country of originна всех шкурках меха стоит клеймо страны-экспортёра
all furs are plainly marked as to the country of originна всех шкурах стоит клеймо страны-экспортера
all furs are plainly marked as to the country of originна всех шкурках стоит клеймо страны-экспортера
all furs are plainly marked as to the country of originна всех мехах стоит клеймо страны-экспортера
countries of origin and transit of migrationстраны происхождения и транзита мигрантов (YelenaBella)
country of originстрана-производитель (a) The country in which a person or thing is deemed to have originated for the purposes of laws and regulations. The country of origin of a manufactured article is held to be the country in which the article has been finished by a substantial amount of labor amounting to not less than one-fourth the cost of production of such article in condition as imported into Canada. b) The country where shipped goods are produced. It says "Made in Mexico". I wonder if that is the real country of origin. WT Alexander Demidov)
country of originстрана, где изготовлена продукция (The country in which a good was produced, or in the case of a traded service, the home country of the service provider. With fragmentation, origin is often ambiguous. For some purposes, such as trade within an FTA, its determination is subject to rules of origin. umich.edu Alexander Demidov)
country of originстрана отправки (ROGER YOUNG)
country of originгосударство-изготовитель (Country where goods shipped were produced. Usually the country of origin is the same as the country of departure. Also called country of provenance. Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
country of originстрана поставщика (Alexander Demidov)
country of originстрана подачи (Julian Bream)
country of originстрана исхода (беженцев bookworm)
country of origin effectэффект страны происхождения (Alexander Demidov)
country of origin labellingмаркировка страны происхождения (Johnny Bravo)
country of origin markingмаркировка страны происхождения (Johnny Bravo)
country of origin of goodsстрана происхождения товаров (ABelonogov)
country-of-origin effectэффект страны происхождения (The country-of-origin effect (COE), also known as the made-in image and the nationality bias, is a psychological effect describing how consumers' attitudes, perceptions and purchasing decisions are influenced by products' country of origin labeling. Since 1965, it has been extensively studied by researchers. WK Alexander Demidov)
country-of-origin identification rulesправила определения страны происхождения товаров (And New Zealand's Customs could not cope, nor does it have the benefit of country-of-origin identification rules. Alexander Demidov)
Rules for the Determination of a Country of Origin of Goodsправила определения страны происхождения товаров (VictorMashkovtsev)
Treaty on Uniform Rules for Determining the Country of Origin of GoodsСоглашение о единых правилах определения страны происхождения товаров (E&Y ABelonogov)