
Terms for subject General containing counter trade | all forms | in specified order only
counter tradeнепосредственный обмен товарами
counter-tradeвнешнеторговые бартерные сделки (International trade conducted by barter. In general, barter is inefficient compared with the use of money, and bilateral trade is inefficient compared with multilateral trade. Counter-trade is thus clearly a second-best policy. It has nevertheless been used by many countries, including formerly planned economies. Its defenders argue that while counter-trade is not ideal, for an economy which has allowed its monetary system to break down, in the short run it is better than no trade at all. Alexander Demidov)
counter-trade transactionкомпенсационная сделка (Lavrov)
letter-coded file (A registry file in KGB intelligence agencies containing materials relating to counter-intelligence work, or to diplomatic, trade and other missions and Soviet establishments abroad, or scientific and other delegations traveling abroad from https://books.google.com/books?id=cKErBgAAQBAJ&pg=PA426&lpg=PA426&dq=liternoye+delo&source=bl&ots=Wgk0Bm27f2&sig=ACfU3U0x69wPbWJDUg3YVZZDdfhxPkO1nw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi398PLqbnjAhWYHc0KHdpRBpIQ6AEwAXoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=liternoye%20delo&f=falseлитерное дело (Tanya Gesse)