
Terms for subject General containing could face | all forms
a face you could slap all dayрожа морда кирпича просит (I cannot stand him. A face you could slap all day. ArcticFox)
gee, I was all-fired mad at you first, I could've slapped right on your faceда я ведь так разозлился на тебя, что мог запросто и по роже съездить
he could make a glare on his face, by smearing it with some ointmentон сумел придать блеск своему лицу, смазав его какой-то мазью
he could not remove his eyes from my faceон не мог отвести глаз от моего лица
he felt so gigantically good-natured that he could not keep his face soberон был в таком невероятно прекрасном расположении духа, что не мог сохранять маску спокойствия на своём лице
he was telling the truth, as you could see by his faceон говорил правду, что было видно по его лицу
his feet could find no hold on the cliff faceего нога не могла найти опоры на поверхности утёса
I could barely make out the expression on his faceя едва мог различить выражение его лица (the outline of the building, her figure, the running man, etc., и т.д.)
I could barely make out the expression on his faceя едва мог рассмотреть выражение его лица (the outline of the building, her figure, the running man, etc., и т.д.)
I could hardly make out the expression on his faceя едва мог различить выражение его лица (the outline of the building, her figure, the running man, etc., и т.д.)
I could hardly make out the expression on his faceя едва мог рассмотреть выражение его лица (the outline of the building, her figure, the running man, etc., и т.д.)
I could just make out the expression on his faceя едва мог различить выражение его лица (the outline of the building, her figure, the running man, etc., и т.д.)
I could just make out the expression on his faceя едва мог рассмотреть выражение его лица (the outline of the building, her figure, the running man, etc., и т.д.)
I could scarcely make out the expression on his faceя едва мог различить выражение его лица (the outline of the building, her figure, the running man, etc., и т.д.)
I could scarcely make out the expression on his faceя едва мог рассмотреть выражение его лица (the outline of the building, her figure, the running man, etc., и т.д.)
the expression of his face could not be made out in half-lightв полутьме и т.д. нельзя было рассмотреть выражение его лица (in the gloom, in the mist, in the darkness, etc.)