
Terms containing corruption control | all forms | in specified order only
gen.control of corruptionборьба с коррупцией (The World Bank's Control of Corruption indicator shows Tajikistan on a ... | Emerald | Journal of Financial Crime | The control of corruption | countries that improve on control of corruption and rule of law can expect (on average), in the long run, a four-fold increase in incomes per capita. Alexander Demidov)
gen.corruption and bribery controlборьба с коррупцией и взяточничеством (VictorMashkovtsev)
gen.corruption controlпротиводействие коррупции (Contracts; Intellectual Property in Government Contracts; Compliance and Corruption Control; Capstone Seminar (professional project/writing experience). Alexander Demidov)
O&G, karach.Department for Economic and Corruption-Related Crime ControlДБЭКП (Департамент по борьбе с экономической и коррупционной преступностью Aiduza)
O&G, karach.Department for Economic And Corruption-Related Crime ControlДепартамент по борьбе с экономической и коррупционной преступностью (ДБЭКП Aiduza)