
Terms containing corporate image | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
adv.corporate citizen imageобраз фирмы, как организации с высокой гражданской ответственностью
adv.corporate citizen imageобраз гражданственности фирмы
busin.corporate imageмарка фирмы (престиж, репутация)
manag.corporate imageимидж корпорации (Sergei Aprelikov)
adv.corporate imageфирменный образ
manag.corporate imageобраз корпорации (Dashout)
EBRDcorporate imageфирменное оформление
patents.corporate imageобраз предприятия
adv.corporate imageрепутация фирмы
busin.corporate imageфирменный стиль
busin.corporate imageобраз фирмы в глазах потребителей
lawcorporate image managementуправление репутацией компании (Alexander Demidov)
busin.damage to corporate imageущерб репутации (в отношении компании; 1 Corporate Image – Encyclopedia – Business Terms | Inc.com inc.com›encyclopedia/corporate-image.html "Corporate image" was once advertising jargon but is today a common phrase referring to a company's reputation. The "image" is what the public is supposed to see when the corporation is mentioned. The ordinary man and woman on the street usually have a wry view of public relations, advertising, hype, hoopla, and therefore also of corporate image–and this often for good reasons. But a good corporate image is a genuine asset; it translates into dollars at the counter and higher stock valuation. ... In many instances a brief, casual act by an employee can either lift or damage the corporate image in the eyes of a single customer or caller on the phone. But the overall image is a composite of many thousands of impressions and facts. Скрыть Moonranger)