
Terms containing contravention | all forms | exact matches only
polit.act in contravention of international lawдействовать в нарушение норм международного права (ssn)
Makarov.act in contravention of international lawсовершать действия, противоречащие международному закону
formalbe in contravention ofнарушать ("City of North Van bans residents from speaking to council on redevelopments. Staff say comments from the public may put the city at risk of a lawsuit." -- "Is the ban not in contravention of Free Speech?" "I don't recognize North Van anymore and I don't recognize Canada and all its restrictions. It's not the place I grew up in. We have less rights, less freedom of speech and now no say in what will really affect homeowners." "It just gets better and better under the current administration, does it not?" ART Vancouver)
gen.constitute a criminal contraventionпредставлять собой уголовно-наказуемое преступление (Johnny Bravo)
polit.contravention of a treatyнарушение договора (ssn)
lawcontravention of lawправонарушение
lawcontravention of lawнарушение нормы права
polit.contravention of ordersнарушение приказов (ssn)
gen.contravention of principleнарушение принципа (It follows from the foregoing that the answer to be given to the first question is that an employer is in direct contravention of the principle of equal treatment ... | ... it is for the defendant to prove that there has been no contravention of the principle of equality. | The author argues that such direct government intrusion is tantamount to contravention of the principle of freedom of contract, wherein business parties should ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.contravention of principleнарушение принципа (It follows from the foregoing that the answer to be given to the first question is that an employer is in direct contravention of the principle of equal treatment ... | ... it is for the defendant to prove that there has been no contravention of the principle of equality. | The author argues that such direct government intrusion is tantamount to contravention of the principle of freedom of contract, wherein business parties should ... – АД)
gen.contravention of procedureнарушение процедуры (DRE)
gen.contravention of the lawнарушение закона
polit.contravention of the principles of the UNнарушение принципов ООН (ssn)
dipl.contravention of the UN sanctionsнарушение санкций ООН
gen.contravention of treatyнарушение договора
lawdone in contravention of the lawнеправовой (grafleonov)
patents.in case of contraventionпри нарушении положения
patents.in case of contraventionпри нарушении предписания
gen.in contraventionв нарушение (mascot)
gen.in contraventionв обход (grafleonov)
busin.in contravention ofв противоречии с
Gruzovikin contravention ofв нарушении
lawin contravention ofв нарушение (чего-либо – АД)
lawin contravention ofв противоречие
lawin contravention ofв нарушение (чего-либо Alexander Demidov)
lawin contravention ofв противоречие с (чем-либо)
dipl.in contravention ofвразрез с (Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.in contravention ofс нарушением (mascot)
int. law.in contravention of international lawв нарушение норм международного права (The Independent, UK Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.in contravention of the established procedureв нарушение установленной процедуры (DRE)
dipl.in contravention of the Acts of Parliamentв нарушение законов парламента (Великобритания)
gen.in contravention of the Acts of Parliamentв нарушение законов парламента
notar.in contravention of the lawс нарушением закона (maqig)
lawin contravention of the provisionsв нарушение положений (Elina Semykina)
lawin contravention of U.S. law or regulationв нарушение законодательных или нормативных актов США (Alex_Odeychuk)
polit.in direct contravention of somethingв прямом противоречии с (чем-либо ssn)
lawNon-contraventionОтсутствие противоречия (Cтатья договора, подтверждающая, что его заключение не противоречит внутренним нормативным документам и другим договорам данной компании molyan)
lawNon-contraventionОбязательство не совершать противоречащих действий (Название одной из статей договора купли-продажи акций Leonid Dzhepko)