
Terms containing contract rent | all forms | in specified order only
lawcontract of social rentдоговор социального найма (жилья snowleopard)
econ.contract rentземельная рента, уплачиваемая по контракту
agric.contract rentземельная рента, установленная по контракту между землевладельцем и арендатором
econ.permanent rent contractдоговор о долгосрочной аренде
econ.rent contractдоговор аренды
gen.rent-to-own contractдоговор аренды с правом выкупа (Are you a prospective buyer on the market for a home? If you have a spotty credit history or are otherwise unable to apply for a mortgage, there is hope. The rent-to-own contract (or lease-to-purchase agreement) is the option that landlords put out for buyers like you. It sets a lower bar to enter the buyer’s market. These contracts allow you to rent a property while applying for the option to buy and own it toward the end of your lease duration. Your periodic rent payments will thus include some portion that goes toward the option and is overall a much more affordable way to end up with a house you own. template.net Alexander Demidov)
econ.stand rent contractдоговор на аренду стенда