
Terms for subject Politics containing confidence | all forms | exact matches only
a motion of no confidenceвотум недоверия (e.g. The opposition parties have tabled a motion of no confidence in the government. (Longman) larik)
a vote of confidenceвотум доверия
allow us to express our confidenceразрешите нам выразить уверенность, что (bigmaxus)
build confidenceукреплять доверие (AMlingua)
confidence in election resultsдоверие к результатам выборов (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
crisis of popular confidenceкризис народного доверия (springs from the weakness of government institutions, the unpunished abuse of power by corrupt officials and power-brokers, a widespread sense of political disenfranchisement, and a longstanding lack of economic opportunity; Foreign Affairs Alex_Odeychuk)
enjoy public confidenceрасполагать доверием народа ("Clearly Charles, though legal successor, enjoys far less public confidence than does Her Majesty." (a comment on The Independent's website) ART Vancouver)
enjoy public confidenceпользоваться доверием народа ("Clearly Charles, though legal successor, enjoys far less public confidence than does Her Majesty." (a comment on The Independent's website) ART Vancouver)
have the president's confidenceпользоваться доверием президента (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
loss of confidence in election resultsутрата доверия к результатам выборов (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
motion of no confidenceвотум недоверия (Mrs Presley)
pass a no-confidence motion againstвыразить недоверие (bookworm)
put the question of confidence to a voteставить на голосование вопрос о доверии
restoration of confidenceвосстановление доверия (ssn)
United Nations Confidence Restoration Organization in CroatiaОперация Организации Объединённых Наций по восстановлению доверия
vote of confidenceоказанное доверие (thanks for the vote of confidence from you Val_Ships)
vote of non-confidenceвотум недоверия
win the confidence of the whole peopleзавоевать доверие всего народа (CNN, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)