
Terms for subject General containing compare with | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
artificial light cannot compare with daylight for general useдля обычных целей искусственный свет гораздо хуже дневного
compare favorably withвыигрывать при сравнении (с чем-либо)
compare favorably withвыдерживать сравнение с
compare favourably withвыгодно отличаться от (Anglophile)
compare favourably with this methodвыгодно отличаться от этого метода (with the old theories, etc., и т.д.)
compare like with likeсравнивать подобное с подобным (Moscowtran)
compare one thing with anotherсравнивать одну вещь с другой (his book with hers, my handwriting with my father's, a translation with the original, your translation with the model translation on the blackboard, their players with ours, him with his brother, etc., и т.д.)
compare one thing with anotherсопоставлять одну вещь с другой (his book with hers, my handwriting with my father's, a translation with the original, your translation with the model translation on the blackboard, their players with ours, him with his brother, etc., и т.д.)
compare one thing with anotherсравнивать один предмет с другим
compare to/withсравнить с (These are sometimes interchangeable, but when you are stressing similarities between the items compared, the most common word is “to”: “She compared his home-made wine to toxic waste.” If you are examining both similarities and differences, use “with”: “The teacher compared Steve's exam with Robert's to see whether they had cheated.” babichjob)
compare very poorly with new devicesне идти ни в какое сравнение с новыми приспособлениями (with new instrument, etc., и т.д.)
compare withсравнивать с (compare with; compare to. The usual phrase is compare with, which means "to place side by side, noting differences and similarities between": let us compare his goals with his actual accomplishments. Compare to = to observe or point only to likenesses between: he compared her eyes to limpid pools. GMAU Alexander Demidov)
compare withпо сравнению с (The Russian market for antiques, which is only 15 years old, is much smaller compared with the 250-year-old European market. Russia has about 400 antiques galleries and salons compared with more than 2,000 of them in London, said Natalya Legotina, head of a Moscow design outfit, which helped organize LAPADA's visit to the capital. TMT Alexander Demidov)
compare with his rival's workвыдерживать сравнение с работой его соперника (with daylight, with the moon, with the new actor, etc., и т.д.)
compare with his rival's workсравниваться с работой его соперника (with daylight, with the moon, with the new actor, etc., и т.д.)
compared with back homeпо сравнению с тем, что у нас
compared with back homeпо сравнению с нашим
he can compare with the bestон не уступает лучшим
he cannot compare with herего нельзя и сравнить с ней
he compares favourably with his predecessorон выгодно отличается от своего предшественника
he presumed to compare himself with youон осмелился сравнить себя с вами
his plays compare well with those of his contemporariesего пьесы не уступают пьесам его современников
his plays compare well with those of his fatherего пьесы могут поспорить с пьесами его отца
how does this compare withНасколько это сравнимо с (dreamjam)
I bring this story up now only to compare my experience with yoursя сейчас поднимаю этот вопрос только для того, чтобы сопоставить свой опыт с вашим
it is unfair of a man to compare his wife with his motherмужчина не должен сравнивать свою жену со своей матерью
it is unfair of a man to compare his wife with his motherмужчина не должен сравнивать жену со своей матерью
they are not to compare with theseэти не подлежат сравнению с теми
this compares withэто значительно отличается от (Agatha)