
Terms for subject Proverb containing come- and -go | all forms
all goes through the mill, and all comes out flourвсё перемелется, мука будет
go for wool and come home shornпойти за шерстью, а вернуться стриженым (т.е. ничего не приобрести, а своё потерять)
ill news hath wings, and with the wind doth go, comfort's a cripple and comes ever slowхудая весть быстрее ветра мчится, а добрая – калекою влачится (M. Drayton; М. Дрейтон)
March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lambмарт приходит с бурей, а уходит с теплом
mischiefs come by the pound and go away by the ounceлегко попасть в беду, да трудно из неё выбраться
mischiefs come by the pound and go away by the ounceпришла беда – отворяй ворота (contrast: better luck next time. wherever a man dwell, he shall be sure to have a thorn-bush near his door)
mischiefs come by the pound and go away by the ounceпришла беда, открывай ворота (contrast: better luck next time. wherever a man dwell, he shall be sure to have a thorn-bush near his door)
mischiefs come by the pound and go away by the ounceпришла беда, растворяй ворота (contrast: better luck next time. wherever a man dwell, he shall be sure to have a thorn-bush near his door)
misfortunes come on horseback, and go away on footпришла беда – отворяй ворота
misfortunes come on horseback, and go away on footодно горе идёт по пятам другого
misfortunes come on horseback, and go away on footбеда не ходит одна