
Terms for subject Microsoft containing color | all forms | exact matches only
active color paletteактивная цветовая палитра (A subset of up to 256 of the colors in the True Color spectrum)
active color paletteПалитра активных цветов
Color average toolинструмент установления среднего цветного спектра
Color average toolинструмент определения среднего цветного спектра (Tool that is used by dragging the eyedropper tool across a selection of graphics or various solid colors on a web page and thereby determining the average color spectrum)
color balanceцветовой баланс (A feature that lets the user change the overall color and tonal values of an image or object through three parameters: source lighting, saturation, and color balance)
color balanceбаланс цветов (A feature that lets the user change the overall color and tonal values of an image or object through three parameters: source lighting, saturation, and color balance)
color boxпалитра (A set of color choices located in a workpane)
color calibrationкалибровка цветов (The process of ensuring the accurate reproduction of color for images. Full color calibration is usually a two-step process: calibrating your input device, such as a scanner; and calibrating your output device, such as a printer or monitor. By calibrating your input and output devices correctly, color is captured accurately by your scanner and is reproduced faithfully on your monitor or printer)
color castцветовой блик (A predominance of a color in a picture that causes the rest of the colors to look inaccurate)
color categoryцветовая категория (A keyword or phrase with an associated color that helps you keep track of items, such as messages, contacts, and appointments. You can use color categories to easily find, sort, filter, or group items)
color-codedобозначенный цветом (Classified or identified according to color. Rori)
color-codedобозначенный цветом (Classified or identified according to color)
color-coded syntaxцветовое кодирование синтаксиса (Windows 8.1 Rori)
color editorредактор цветов (An interface control for setting the color of a brush or the color of a property on an object (such as Background))
color gamutцветовая палитра (The particular range of colors that a device or color model is able to produce)
color gridтаблица цветов (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
color gridсетка цветов (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
color grid for selecting text colorтаблица цветов для выбора цвета (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
color indexЦветовые индексы (An index mode that specifies colors as indexes into a palette instead of as levels of red, green, and blue)
color keyЦвет
color keyключ цвета (A color used for transparent or translucent effects. An overlay surface is displayed in the region of the primary surface that contains the color key. In video production, color keys are used to combine two video signals)
color key transparencyпрозрачность цветового ключа (A method for blending texture maps so that parts appear transparent. Color key transparency accomplishes this by defining a single color as transparent)
color matchingсоответствие цветов (The process of image output correction to match the same colors that were scanned or input)
color menu buttonкнопка палитры (A button that drops down to expose a color palette when a user clicks it)
color monitorцветной монитор (A monitor designed to work with a video card or adapter to produce text or graphics images in color)
color paletteцветовая палитра (A collection of colors that are available when you want to apply color to a fill, line, or text)
color pickerпалитра (An interface control for setting the color of a brush or the color of a property on an object (such as Background))
color printerцветной принтер (A computer printer that can print full-color output. Most color printers can also produce black-and-white output)
color profileцветовой профиль (A profile that contains the data needed for translating the values of a color gamut. This data includes information about color, hue, saturation, and brightness)
color rangeдиапазон цветов (The range of colors available to a display device)
color scaleцветовая шкала (A scale that displays the results of color rules only)
color schemeцветовая схема (A predefined set of harmonized colors that you can apply to text and objects. Text and objects with an applied scheme color will change automatically when you switch to a new color scheme or modify the current color scheme)
color separationцветоделение (A decomposed layer of a full-color image used in printing. Typical printing processes use four color separations (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) which combine together to produce the final image)
color separationразделитель цвета
color sliderползунок цвета (Windows 8 Rori)
color space modelцветовое пространство (The three-dimensional space that is defined by a set of coordinates for representing color on devices such as monitors, scanners, and printers. For example, in the LAB color space, the colors are defined in terms of their luminance or whiteness (L), redness-greenness (A), and yellowness-blueness (B); the HVC system uses hue (H), value (V), and chroma (C). The two most common color space models are RGB and YUV)
color spectrumцветовой спектр (Colors, as people see them, range from violet at the high-frequency end of the visible-light band to red at the low-frequency end. In PhotoDraw, the True Color spectrum is represented as a color matrix)
color squareцветовой квадрат (для выбора цвета – SQL Server 2012, Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
custom color paletteнастраиваемая палитра (A set of colors on a palette with up to 256 specific color entries)
Display Color Calibrationкалибровка цветов монитора (A wizard that guides users through a series of adjustments to their display to produce a more accurate rendering of sRGB color content)
Display Color Calibration Wizardмастер калибровки цветов монитора (A wizard that guides users through a series of adjustments to their display to produce a more accurate rendering of sRGB color content)
Explore additional border options, such as line color and line width.Настройка дополнительных параметров границы, таких как цвет и толщина линий. (Office System 2013 Rori)
Hover Theme Color Indexцветовой индекс темы при наведении (Office System 2010 Rori)
Hue, Cycles Entire Color Spectrumоттенок, проход всего цветового спектра
improve exposure and color automaticallyавтокоррекция экспозиции и цвета (Windows Vista Rori)
output color spaceвыходное цветовое пространство (Andy)
RGB color spaceцветовая схема RGB (The multidimensional color space consisting of the red, green, and blue intensities that make up a given color)
Setting the color and pattern for the listed disk regions can help distinguish them in the details pane.Установка цвета и узора для перечисленных областей диска поможет различить их в окне сведений. (Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1, Windows Server 2008 Rori)
Single Color Gradient Fillодноцветная градиентная заливка (Office System 2013 Rori)
solid color brushодноцветная кисть (A brush composed of a single color)
Use solid color for Start backgroundИспользовать сплошной цвет для фона начального экрана (Windows 10 Rori)
YUV color spaceцветовая схема YUV