
Terms for subject Police containing code | all forms | exact matches only
10-code10-кoд (для радиообмена; as in "10-4" – understood Val_Ships)
code 10-6занят (Alex Lilo)
code 3код 3 (a response that is fast and using lights and sirens: Code 3, in most cases, is a response in which police officers are recommended or required to use their lights AND sirens. Also, here's some other codes: Code 1: A response that needs neither lights nor sirens. Code 2: A response that is moderately fast, typically with lights/sirens being used in intersections or busy places. Code 3: A response that is fast and using lights and sirens Taras)
code 6не могут принять (Alex Lilo; это как?? Andy)
code 4помощь больше не требуется (полиц. термин: I repeat. Code 4 at our location Taras)
10-6 codeзанят (Alex Lilo)
code fourпомощь больше не требуется (полиц. термин: I repeat. Code 4 at our location Taras)
run codeреагировать на вызов с сиреной и спец. сигналами (AzulRaspilla)
run codeвключить сирену и мигалки (Run code: Drive to a location using the patrol car's emergency lights and siren (полицейский сленг): We ran code to get over here as soon as possible – мы включили сирену и мигалки, чтобы добраться сюда как можно скорее. police1.com AzulRaspilla)