
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing cheap | all forms | exact matches only
Be dressed cheapОдета вызывающе (She was dressed so cheap that many, seeing her, felt awkward. APN)
buy cheap, buy twiceскупой платит дважды (slitely_mad)
cheap and cheerfulдешевизна стульев для трудящихся (Супру)
as cheap as dirtочень дешёвый (тж. dirt-cheap Bobrovska)
cheap-as-chipsпятикопеечный (markovka)
cheap at half the priceвтридорога (Deliberate transformation of a street trader's cry, "cheap at twice the price' (informing customers that what he was selling would still be cheap even if it cost twice as much), into 'cheap at half the price" which would imply that the price was excessive. wiktionary.org Abysslooker)
cheap at twice the priceза бесценок (I found this old chair for twenty dollars—it would be cheap at twice the price. dictionary.com Abysslooker)
cheap at twice the priceпрактически даром (collinsdictionary.com Abysslooker)
cheap popularityдешёвая популярность (Andrey Truhachev)
cheaper by the dozenчем больше, тем дешевле (VLZ_58)
cheaper by the dozenесли дружно, если вместе, то работа спорится (VLZ_58)
cheaper by the dozenвместе работа спорится (VLZ_58)
cheaper by the dozenкогда рук много, работа спорится (This will be cheaper by the dozen if we all help, so let's pitch in and get this cleaned up! VLZ_58)
cheaper by the dozenбольше-дешевле (Avocados are quite expensive at most supermarkets, but one down the street has a good deal for a bag of 12–cheaper by the dozen, I suppose! VLZ_58)
cheaper by the dozenдело решаемое более эффективно коллективно (Things are handled more efficiently as a group. Interex)
Cheapest is the dearest.Скупой платит дважды (AlexanderKayumov)
come off cheapлегко отделаться
cut corners by using cheap materialsсхалтурить, сэкономив на материалах (ART Vancouver)
dirt-cheapза бесценок
do not come cheapСтоить дорого (His services don’t come cheap. APN)
pile it/them high and sell it/them cheapпредлагать широкий ассортимент товаров по низким ценам (chumichka)
play to the cheap seatsиграть на низменных инстинктах (Баян)
play to the cheap seatsподыгрывать толпе (Баян)
talk is cheapслова дорого не стоят (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
very cheapза бесценок
we are not rich enough to buy cheap thingsмы не настолько богаты, чтобы покупать дешёвые вещи (igisheva)
we are not rich enough to buy cheap things / stuffмы не настолько богаты, чтобы покупать дешёвые вещи (Alexander Oshis)