
Terms for subject General containing certification of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Center of Hygienic Certification of Alimentary Productsцентр гигиенической сертификации пищевой продукции (ЦГСПП Fedin)
certification of a citizen as disabledпризнание гражданина инвалидом (ABelonogov)
certification of addressадресная справка (Johnny Bravo)
certification of conformanceдекларирование соответствия (Manufacturer's Certification of Conformance. Seller will include with each shipment a certification which states that the ordnance shipped meets all applicable specification requirements. | In the interest of public playground safety, IPEMA provides a third-party certification service whereby a designated independent laboratory validates a manufacturer's certification of conformance to the ASTM F-1487 (excluding section 10 and 12.6.1), Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification For Public Use, standard. Alexander Demidov)
certification of conformanceподтверждение соответствия (CERTIFICATION OF CONFORMANCE. We certify that the product specified conforms to all specifications set forth by Caplugs/Niagara. Certification of Conformance, signed by a member of staff responsible for Quality ... Analogic Receives CE Certification of Conformance for AN3080 Digital Weight Indicator Alexander Demidov)
certification of copiesудостоверение подлинности копий документов (Alexander Demidov)
certification of copiesудостоверение подлинности копий (Reproduction and certification of copies of acts and documents. The regulations for the public use of records in the National Archives (36 CFR parts ... Alexander Demidov)
certification of performanceотчёт о работе (busska)
Certification of ResidenceСвидетельство налогового резидента (Johnny Bravo)
certification of signatureзасвидетельствование подписи
Certification of Tax ResidenceСвидетельство налогового резидента (Johnny Bravo)
certification of teachersаттестация учителей
Certification of utility vehiclesСКМ (Сертификация коммунальных машин rechnik)
Concerning the Certification of Goods and Servicesо сертификации продукции и услуг (E&Y)
Instructional Guidelines For Engineering Certification of Steam and Hot-Water Boilers, Pressure Vessels, Steam and Hot-Water PipelinesМетодические указания по проведению технического освидетельствования паровых и водогрейных котлов, сосудов, работающих под давлением, трубопроводов пара и горячей воды (Lidia P.)
Norwegian Professional Council for Education and Certification of Inspectors for Surface TreatmentНорвежский профессиональный совет по подготовке и сертификации инспекторов в области обработки поверхностей (ABelonogov)
qualification and certification of NDT personnelквалификация и сертификация персонала по неразрушающему контролю
quality certification of goodsаттестация качества товаров
System for Conformity Testing and Certification of Electrical EquipmentСистема по оценке соответствия и проверке электрического оборудования (natali1512)