
Terms for subject Insurance containing care and custody | all forms
care, custody and controlуход, попечение и контроль
care, custody and controlхозяйственное ведение, хранение или оперативное управление (юр.) понятия вещного права, означающие ограниченное право собственности на страхуемое движимое и недвижимое имущество напр., Property in Care, Custody and Control) с) Insuror.: Care, custody, or control (CCC) is a term that prevents an insured individual from claiming compensation on property not owned by them that was damaged while in their care. General liability policies typically cover property that is owned by the insured party and not third-party property. 'More)
care, custody and controlхранение и складирование (aigirc.ru NaNa*)
Property in Care, Custody and Control ClauseОговорка об имуществе, находящемся в собственности, пользовании и оперативном управлении Страхователя (Limonello)