
Terms for subject Microsoft containing calculations | all forms
Calculation base date field ID.Идентификатор поля, содержащего базовую дату расчёта (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
calculation conditionусловие вычисления (A Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) logical expression that is used to determine whether a calculation formula will be applied against a cell in a calculation subcube)
calculation formulaформула вычисления (A Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression used to supply a value for cells in a calculation subcube, subject to the application of a calculation condition)
calculation passэтап вычислений (A stage of calculation in a multidimensional cube in which applicable calculations are evaluated)
calculation pass numberномер этапа вычислений (An ordinal position used to refer to a calculation pass)
calculation subcubeвычисление вложенного куба (The set of multidimensional cube cells that is used to create a calculated cells definition. The set of cells is defined by a combination of MDX set expressions)
Calculation template editorРедактор шаблонов расчёта (Andy)
Excel Calculation Serverсервер вычислений Excel (The core component of the Excel Server that includes the full Excel calculation functionality. It loads and saves Excel workbooks, queries and refreshes external data, calculates workbooks, and provides the calculated results to the caller)
Excel Calculation Servicesслужба вычислений Excel (The main Excel Services component, which loads the spreadsheet and workbook, calculates the spreadsheets, updates external data, and maintains session state for interactivity. Rori)
Excel Calculation Servicesслужбы вычислений Excel (The main Excel Services component, which loads the spreadsheet and workbook, calculates the spreadsheets, updates external data, and maintains session state for interactivity)
Project Calculation Serviceслужба вычислений Project (A scheduling engine for Project Server that enables automated project updates and scheduling that is similar to that in Project Professional)
Select field that will be used as a calculation base date.Выберите поле, которое будет использоваться в качестве базовой даты расчёта (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
WIP calculationрасчёт НЗП (The value (hours) posted to the balance sheet as a project progresses. The WIP calculation applies to fixed-price projects, time and material projets and investment projects)