
Terms for subject General containing by train | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a train blown up by partisansпоезд, взорванный партизанами
a train blown up by partizansпоезд, взорванный партизанами
be struck and killed by a trainпопасть под поезд (He also detailed the 'Purple Lady' haunting in Salt Lake City. In 1910, a woman and her fiancé were arguing at the train depot, and her engagement ring was thrown on the tracks. When she went to retrieve it, she was struck and killed by an oncoming train. Then, in 1947, a woman reported seeing a spirit in the ladies restroom wearing a purple dress in the style of the early 1900s, which was what some say the woman who died had been wearing. Since then, many others have reported seeing a female ghost in different parts of the train station, as well as lights turning on and off, water taps turning on full blast, disembodied voices and other apparitions in addition to the Purple Lady. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
by an unlucky train of eventsпо неблагоприятному стечению обстоятельств
by an unlucky train of eventsнеблагоприятное стечение обстоятельств (triumfov)
by trainпо железной дороге (Western military aid is brought into Ukraine from Poland by train and taken further by truck to the front lines. rferl.org)
by trainна поезде (Andrey Truhachev)
by trainпоездом
conveyance by through freight trainмаршрутизация
get off by trainуехать поездом
go by express trainехать экспрессом
go by the second trainехать следующим поездом
go by trainпоехать по железной дороге
go by trainпоехать поездом
go by trainпоехать на поезде
go by trainехать на поезде
go by trainездить поездом
go by trainехать поездом (by car, by bus, by tram, by rail, etc., и т.д.)
have you ever considered going by train?не думаешь ли ты поехать поездом?
have you ever considered going by train?не собираешься ли ты поехать поездом?
he is leaving by express train tomorrowон выезжает завтра курьерским
he missed the train by three minutesон опоздал к поезду на три минуты
of a wolf he was killed by a trainего зарезало поездом
how else can we come than by train?как ещё мы можем приехать, если не поездом?
how else can we come than by train?ещё мы можем приехать, если не поездом?
I shall arrive by the first train tomorrowя приеду завтра первым поездом
I shall get back to Moscow by the first trainя вернусь в Москву первым же поездом
if we're late, we'll go by the next trainесли опоздаем, поедем следующим поездом
it was a long train trip but we stuck it out by playing cardsв поезде мы ехали долго, но мы коротали время карточной игрой
leave by the 4 o'clock trainуехать четырёхчасовым поездом (by plane, etc., и т.д.)
miss a train а boat, etc. by half a minuteопоздать на поезд и т.д. на пол минуты (by three minutes, etc., и т.д.)
our train was pushed uphill by an additional locomotiveв гору наш поезд тянул ещё один паровоз
send by goods trainотправить что-либо товарной скоростью
send goods by trainотправлять товар поездом
the train swept byпоезд пронёсся мимо
the train was delayed by snowпоезд опоздал из-за снежных заносов
the train was delayed for two hours by snowdriftsпоезд опоздал на два часа из-за снежных заносов
train willpower by easy stagesпостепенно тренировать волю
train willpower by easy stagesмало-помалу тренировать волю
we have come many miles by trainмы проехали на поезде много миль
we traveled by train for three daysмы ехали три дня по железной дороге
we travelled by train for three daysмы ехали три дня по железной дороге
you can get there by train or boatтуда можно ехать и поездом и пароходом