
Terms for subject General containing budget target | all forms | in specified order only
budget financing targetsбюджетная роспись (for "исполнение бюджетной росписи', perhaps "targets" is better than "report" D Cassidy)
budget targetпоказатель, заложенный в бюджете (Alexander Demidov)
budget targetзаложенный бюджетный показатель (Alexander Demidov)
budget targetбюджетный показатель (Alexander Demidov)
budget targetпоказатель бюджета (The purpose of this study is to further our understanding of how and why interpretations of budget targets differ from one person to another even in the same ... | UK parties agree post-election budget targets but debate rages on. | EU slaps tough budget targets on France. Alexander Demidov)
meeting of budget targetsвыполнение бюджета (Выполнение бюджета на 100% = The budget targets are met. Выполнение бюджета достигло уровня 130% = The budget target was exceeded by 30%. Выполнение бюджета составило 40% = Performance fell 60% short of the budget target. Consulting on sales opportunities, working with sales colleagues to ensure the meeting of budget targets, and ultimately increasing revenue. Alexander Demidov)