
Terms for subject Figurative containing box | all forms | exact matches only
box-checking procedureмеханическая процедура (никому не нужная, не требующая усилий процедура Viacheslav Volkov)
box inзапереть (напр., флот в гавани: A senior NATO official said that Ukraine's small naval fleet, which was originally part of the Black Sea Fleet, had been boxed in by Russian warships. snowleopard)
box outвытеснять ((transitive, figurative, by extension) To arrange a situation so as to exclude (someone).: White-owned businesses boxed out from $2.3 billion in contracts to renovate JFK International Airport. theblaze.com markvidov)
box outисключать ((transitive, figurative, by extension) To arrange a situation so as to exclude (someone).: White-owned businesses boxed out from $2.3 billion in contracts to renovate JFK International Airport. theblaze.com markvidov)
chocolate boxигрушечный ("игрушечная" деревня – 'chocolate box' village denghu)
in the box seatЗанимать лидирующее положение (org.uk Kathrin O'Melly)
play Box and Coxменяться (icterubal)
play Box and Coxчередоваться (icterubal)
play Box and Coxиграть в переменки (имена героев комедии Мортона, по очереди живших в одной квартире, один днем, другой ночью icterubal)
shoe boxконура (Anglophile)
shoe boxкомнатушка (Anglophile)
shoe boxкаморка (Anglophile)