
Terms for subject General containing blind man | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
blind manслепой
blind manнезрячий человек (I. Havkin)
blind manневидящий человек (I. Havkin)
blind manслепец
blind man's bluffигра в жмурки (a variant of tag in which the player who is "It" is blindfolded Val_Ships)
blind man's buffжмурки (a children's game, a variant of tag. The traditional name of the game is "blind man's buff", wherein the word buff is used in its older sense of a small push. Katerinka912)
blind man's guideвожак у слепого
blind man's holidayсумерки
blind man's-buffжмурки
in the land of the blind, a one-eyed man is kingв слепом царстве кривой – король
in the land of the blind, a one-eyed man is kingна безрыбье и рак рыба
in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is kingв царстве слепых и одноглазый король (Taras)
in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is kingв стране слепых и одноглазый король (Taras)
lead a blind manбыть поводырём у слепого
lead a blind manводить слепого
lead a blind manвести слепого человека
play blind man's buffиграть в жмурки
the blind man felt for the kerb with his stickслепой пытался палкой нащупать край тротуара
the blind man recognized me by touchслепой узнал меня на ощупь
the blind man tried to feel for the kerb with his stickслепой пытался нащупать палкой край тротуара
the blind man was guided by a dogслепого вела собака
we were playing blind man's buff and he was "it"мы играли в жмурки, и он водил