
Terms for subject Police containing blacks | all forms
black accountsчёрная бухгалтерия (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
black-and-whiteпатрульная полицейская автомашина (the most popular colors: four black-and-whites were on the street with their lights flashing Val_Ships)
black-and-whiteпатрульная автомашин (or other two colors: four black-and-whites were on the street with their lights flashing Val_Ships)
black-and-whiteпатрульная автомашина (or two other colors Val_Ships)
Black beret riot policeОтряд милиции особенного назначения (ОМОН)
black ledgerчёрная бухгалтерия (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
black male adultчернокожий взрослый (Black Male Adult (BMA) – Term frequently used by law enforcement dispatchers and officers to indicate the involvement of an African American male over the age of 17: Officers in need of assistance at 4th and Main. Foot pursuit. One black male at large, aged 30 to 40, 6 foot 3. – Alright we've got a BMA on the run, we're gonna join the chase here. urbandictionary.com Dominator_Salvator)
black market operatorделец подпольного рынка (Alex_Odeychuk)