
Terms for subject Microsoft containing best-best-best | all forms
Adjust for best appearanceОбеспечить наилучший вид (Windows 8 Rori)
best before dateжелательно использовать до (A recommended date for obtaining the optimum quality or characteristic of a product)
best before dateжелательно использовать до даты (A recommended date for obtaining the optimum quality or characteristic of a product. Rori)
best before periodжелательно использовать в течение (The time period in which to obtain the optimum quality or characteristic of a product)
best before periodжелательно использовать в течение периода (The time period in which to obtain the optimum quality or characteristic of a product. Rori)
Best Bet Suggestions reportотчёт с предложениями наиболее подходящих элементов (A Web analytics report that identifies terms that should become Best Bets)
Best Bet Usage reportотчёт об использовании наиболее подходящих элементов (A Web analytics report that identifies the Best Bet terms and how they are utilized by the system)
best fitподбор размера (Andy)
best fitподобрать ширину (Andy)
Best of WebЛучшее в интернете (A curated list feature that highlights interesting and noteworthy web sites)
best practiceлучшая методика (A practice recognized and advocated as an effective or efficient means of achieving desired objectives: лучшие методики повышения производительности – performance best practices)
best practiceрекомендация (A practice recognized and advocated as an effective or efficient means of achieving desired objectives)
best practice ruleправило рекомендаций (A rule that is optionally enforced after compilation in X++. The rules represent safe or consistent code design)
best practice ruleправило рекомендаций (A rule that is optionally enforced after compilation in X++. The rules represent safe or consistent code design. Rori)
Best Practices Analyzerанализатор соответствия рекомендациям (A tool which examines a system configuration and the settings against a set of pre-defined rules to generate a list of issues outlining any best practice violations it finds)
Best Practices Analyzerанализатор соответствия рекомендациям (Windows 7 Rori)
Best ratedлучшие оценки (A category in Store that lists the highest rated apps/games at a given point in time)
Best ratedлучшие оценки (A category in Store that lists the highest rated apps/games at a given point in time. Rori)
durable goodтовары длительного пользования (An good that is not consumed completely at first use, but yields service over time)
finished goodготовый продукт (An item assembled for sale using a bill of materials)
it's best for youлучше (When the message objects in your datasets are potentially very large, it's best for you transfer them by using streaming requests or responses. It's more efficient to construct a large object in memory, write it to the network, and then free up the resources. Alex_Odeychuk)
Percentage of Best Bet ClickthroughПроцент выбора наиболее подходящих рекламных объявлений (Office System 2010 SP1 Rori)
Refresh interval value for best practices analyzer dataЗначение интервала обновления данных анализатором соответствия рекомендациям (Windows 8 Rori)
security best practicesрекомендации по безопасности (microsoft.com bojana)
Visual Best Betнаиболее подходящий визуальный элемент (A Best Bet that can contain rich visual data, such as a video, image, or piece of HTML code, in addition to text or links. Rori)
Visual Best Betнаиболее подходящий визуальный элемент (A Best Bet that can contain rich visual data, such as a video, image, or piece of HTML code, in addition to text or links)