
Terms for subject Real estate containing best-best-best | all forms
determination of the highest and best useопределение наилучшего и наиболее эффективного использования (The determination of the highest and best use of a property is of primary importance in any appraisal, although in many cases it is readily apparent. Alexander Demidov)
highest and bestнаилучший и наиболее эффективный (Highest and best use, or highest or best use (HBU), is a concept in real estate appraisal that shows how the highest value for a property is arrived. In any case where the market value of real property is sought, that value must be based on its highest and best use. Highest and best use is always t... Found op wikipedia.org Alexander Demidov)
highest and best useнаилучшее и наиболее эффективное использование (wiki , HBU)
highest and best useнаилучшее и наиболее эффективное использование (wiki – HBU Alexander Demidov)
hold out for a better dealдожидаться более выгодных условий (Because the issue might not be a landowner who is holding out for a better deal or getting tangled up in city permits. The issue could be a landowner who isn’t making the best decisions. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
hold out for a better dealвыжидать более выгодной сделки (Because the issue might not be a landowner who is holding out for a better deal or getting tangled up in city permits. The issue could be a landowner who isn’t making the best decisions. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)