
Terms for subject Formal containing being | all forms | exact matches only
as beingв качестве (unless ABC specifies another date as being the Effective Date ART Vancouver)
avail oneself of sb.'s kindnessвоспользоваться чьей-л. добротой (Jeeves sighed apologetically. ‘I am very sorry, m'lord, but I fear I cannot avail myself of your kindness. Indeed, I fear I am compelled to hand in my notice.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
avail oneself of sb.'s kindnessпользоваться чьей-л. добротой (Jeeves sighed apologetically. ‘I am very sorry, m'lord, but I fear I cannot avail myself of your kindness. Indeed, I fear I am compelled to hand in my notice.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
avoid being held liable forво избежание ответственности за
be committed toприверженный принципам (ART Vancouver)
be committed toотстаивать (Ying)
be committed toявляться сторонником (Ying)
be committed toявляться приверженцем (Ying)
be committed toнеустанно стремиться (to sth.- к чему-л.: For twenty-five years we have been committed to bringing top-quality medical care to our patients. -- неустанно стремимся ART Vancouver)
be committed toвзявший на себя обязательство (I could not attend the debate because I was at a meeting with some senior voters living in the riding, which was planned prior to the notice of Tuesday night's debate. I am committed to attending the Board of Trade meet-and-greet next Monday." – взял на себя обязательство присутствовать на ... ART Vancouver)
be committed toне отступать от своей цели (He was emaciated, dehydrated and suffering from a severe case of mange. His rescuers knew it would take a while before he was fully healed, but they were committed to making sure he got there eventually. ART Vancouver)
be in contravention ofнарушать ("City of North Van bans residents from speaking to council on redevelopments. Staff say comments from the public may put the city at risk of a lawsuit." -- "Is the ban not in contravention of Free Speech?" "I don't recognize North Van anymore and I don't recognize Canada and all its restrictions. It's not the place I grew up in. We have less rights, less freedom of speech and now no say in what will really affect homeowners." "It just gets better and better under the current administration, does it not?" ART Vancouver)
be in possession ofрасполагать (информацией или чем-л. материальным: US government possesses a 'variety' of alien bodies, claims David Grusch. Grusch, who previously worked with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and held top-level clearance at the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, entered the public eye earlier this year when he made the startling claim that the US government had long been in possession of "intact and partially intact vehicles of non-human origin". unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
be not in compliance withне соответствовать ("The Department shall replace donated foods received by distributing or recipient agencies that are stale, spoiled, out of condition, or not in compliance with specifications when: ....." The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America, Par. 250.13 ART Vancouver)
be prohibitiveзапрещать (towards sth. – применение чего-л. | forbidding or restricting something (Oxford Dictionary): I have an electric car (Hyundai Kona) and I'm in the market for an apartment/condo for the first time. I've been to see many open houses I've been interested in but am finding that many many stratas are prohibitive towards EVs, whether it be forbidding using normal outlets in parkades to charge your car, or even forbidding installing/paying for your own charger in a stall. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
be prohibitiveограничивать (towards sth. – применение чего-л. | forbidding or restricting something (Oxford Dictionary): I have an electric car (Hyundai Kona) and I'm in the market for an apartment/condo for the first time. I've been to see many open houses I've been interested in but am finding that many many stratas are prohibitive towards EVs, whether it be forbidding using normal outlets in parkades to charge your car, or even forbidding installing/paying for your own charger in a stall. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
be sensible of the fact thatосознавать, что (TarasZ)
be sensible of the fact thatпонимать, что (TarasZ)
be one's top priorityстоять на первом месте (Protecting users' information is our top priority. – стоит для нас на первом месте ART Vancouver)
being guided byруководствуясь (ART Vancouver)
Certificate of being aliveСвидетельство о нахождении в живых (gerasymchuk)
committed to the idea / to beingприверженный идее (We are committed to being responsible global citizens. ART Vancouver)
ensure that information is treated in a confidential mannerобеспечить конфиденциальность информации (take all reasonable measures to ensure that personal patient information is treated in a confidential manner ART Vancouver)
Further be advised thatДополнительно сообщаем, что (Ying)
I am aware of thatмне об этом известно (ART Vancouver)
I am aware thatмне известно, что ('Milverton's smile broadened and his eyes twinkled humorously. "I am aware that what you say is true about the lady's resources," said he. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
I am delighted to be able to advise you thatя рад сообщить Вам, что (Soulbringer)
I have been informed thatмне сообщили, что (I have been informed that the position was still open. ART Vancouver)
I have the honour to ask you for ...'s handИмею честь просить руки (I have the honour to ask you for your daughter's hand. – Имею честь просить руки Вашей дочери. ART Vancouver)
I hereby certify that this is a true copy of the original documentнастоящим удостоверяется, что данный документ является действительной ксерокопией подлинного документа (ART Vancouver)
I hereby declare that all the particulars above are true to the best of my knowledge and beliefнастоящим я заявляю, что, по имеющимся у меня сведениям, которым у меня есть все основания доверять, все вышеизложенные факты верны
I was informed thatмне сообщили, что (I was informed that though Chevron was under no legal obligation to maintain the surface of the pipeline trail, they would consider upgrading the trail as a goodwill gesture toward the community. ART Vancouver)
in the event that this Agreement is terminatedв случае расторжения настоящего Договора
is being discouragedне рекомендуется (All non-essential travel to the US is being discouraged. ART Vancouver)
is entitledнаделённый (to sth. – чем-л.: … is a Canadian citizen and, as such, is entitled to all the rights and privileges … – наделён всеми правами и привилегиями... -- наделён всеми правами и привилегиями ART Vancouver)
natural gas is being usedпотребление природного газа имеет место (согласно счётчику имеет место потребление природного газа – [Уведомление] Contact us immediately about your gas service. Although the meter at this address shows that natural gas is being used, we have no record of an active gas account. To ensure you continue to receive your natural gas supply, you must apply for service. ART Vancouver)
that is agreeable to meя не возражаю
the Commission brings to the applicant's attention thatКомиссия обращает внимание заявителя на то, что (white_canary)
there are grounds to believe thatесть основания полагать, что (A justice may make an order under this section if the justice is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the record specified in the demand (a) may assist the police force in locating the missing person (...) -- есть / имеются достаточные основания полагать, что ART Vancouver)
there being no other businessв связи с исчерпанием повестки дня (There being no other business the meeting ended/was adjourned. 4uzhoj)
there is no evidence to suggest thatнет никаких доказательств того, что (According to Bayer, there is no evidence to suggest that this drug is associated with violent behaviour.)
there is some evidence thatИмеются данные о том, что (Though there is some evidence that crop formations may have appeared in earlier times, the modern phenomenon kicked off in the 1980s, and in some cases, orbs appeared in fields above where the patterns formed, he reported." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
this being the caseраз это так (Bullfinch)
this is not to necessarily suggest thatэто совсем не означает, что (While it is clear that humans and other animals possess consciousness, one theory goes one step further by suggesting that absolutely everything – from the planets in the solar system to the chair you are sitting on – are conscious as well. Known as panpsychism, this idea is not a new one, but a growing number of scientists seem to be subscribing to the notion that consciousness may be far more pervasive than we previously thought. This is not to necessarily suggest that a chair, for example, is just as conscious as a human, but that objects possess levels of consciousness relative to their state and complexity. At the most basic level, even fundamental particles may possess some level of consciousness. (unexplained-mysteries.com) ART Vancouver)
this letter is confirmation thatнастоящей справкой подтверждается, что
this letter is to verify thatнастоящая справка подтверждает, что (ART Vancouver)
this letter is to verify thatнастоящей справкой подтверждается, что (ART Vancouver)
what our data is telling us is that there isнаходящиеся в нашем распоряжении данные показывают, что (// CNN, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)
with all due respect, I don't think that's the caseпри всём уважении к Вам, позвольте с Вами не согласиться