
Terms for subject Contracts containing being | all forms | exact matches only
after being signed byс момента подписания (The contract shall take effect after being signed by both parties. ART Vancouver)
agree to be bound byвзять на себя обязательства по соблюдению (If you do not agree to be bound by all of these Terms of Use, do not access or use this Service. – Если Вы не согласны взять на себя обязательства по соблюдению ... ART Vancouver)
be in addition to and not in lieu ofдополнять, а не замещать (These terms are in addition to and not in lieu of any other agreements between you and ZYX. – Настоящие условия дополняют, а не замещают ... ART Vancouver)
be liable forобязан выплачивать (ABC Inc. shall not be liable for any payments based on any amounts which arise or result from any of the prohibited conduct set out in Section 3. – не обязана платить ART Vancouver)
goods that are contrary toтовар с нарушением (MichaelBurov)
is deemed to be concludedсчитается заключённым (When contract is deemed to be concluded. A contract is deemed to be concluded when the proposal of the insured is accepted by the insurer. ART Vancouver)
is not responsible and assumes no liabilityне несёт ответственности (While every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, XYZ Inc. is not responsible and assumes no liability for any action by any person in utilizing this financial information. ART Vancouver)
it shall be Your sole responsibilityответственность за ... целиком ложится на Вас (+ infinitive ART Vancouver)
may not beзапрещается (ZYX's trademarks or service marks may not be copied, imitated or used without ZYX's express prior written permission. ART Vancouver)
shall not be liableне несёт ответственности (... shall not be liable to you for such deductions, withholdings or remittances – не несёт перед Вами ответственности ART Vancouver)
will not be held liableне несёт ответственности (за – for: As the designated Greenville Shopping Center Santa Claus, I will not be held liable for any unfulfilled wishes. ART Vancouver)