
Terms containing become impassable | all forms | in specified order only
inf.become impassableразваживать
inf.become impassableразвезти
Gruzovik, inf.become impassableразвезти (pf of развозить)
Gruzovik, obs.become impassableзапада́ть
Gruzovik, folk.of a road become impassableзалечь (pf of залегать)
Gruzovik, folk.of a road become impassableзалегать (impf of залечь)
Gruzovik, obs.become impassableзапасть (pf of запада́ть)
Gruzovik, inf.become impassableразвозить (impf of развезти)
inf.become impassableразвозить
Gruzovikbecome impassableзалегать (of a road; impf of залечь)
gen.the road became impassableдорогу развезло