
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing beatings | all forms
beating the clockрекордное время (за / в MichaelBurov)
have not been beating a path to his doorне ходить к нему по проторенной дорожке (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
have not been beating a path to his doorне ходить на регулярные встречи с ним (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
have not been beating a path to his doorне проторивать к нему дорожку (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
like beating your head against the wallдохлый номер (Trying to make him change his mind is like beating your head against the wall. VLZ_58)
no beating around the bush hereникаких танцев с бубном и хождений вокруг да около (Alex_Odeychuk)
no beating around the bush hereникаких хождений вокруг да около (Alex_Odeychuk)
no beating around the bush hereникаких танцев с бубном и прикладывания подорожника (Alex_Odeychuk)
no beating around the bush hereникаких китайских церемоний (Alex_Odeychuk)
take a beatingпотерять в цене (Shares of Alcoa took a beating after this news. – акции потеряли в цене ART Vancouver)
take a beatingпострадать (about someone's reputation, credibility, etc.: Premier's credibility took a beating last week after more wiretap revelations. ART Vancouver)
took a beatingдосталось (The company took a beating on social media for its controversial decision. ART Vancouver)
without beating your head against a wallбез биться головой о стену (Alex_Odeychuk)