
Terms for subject Informal containing be up | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
be upподорожать ("Gas prices UP. Food prices UP. Transit prices UP. Rent prices UP. Mortgage prices UP. Tax prices UP. Liquor prices UP. Insurance prices UP. Business prices UP. Cell prices UP. Carbon Tax prices UP. Home Maintenance prices UP. I ask you what has not gone up? My paycheque didn’t go up." "Utilities are up, pet feed is up, flights are up, fertilizer is up, CPP is up, parking is up, water delivery and garbage pickup is up (private). Literally everything is up for me. Childcare too, as my nanny is also facing cost of living increases. It’s not looking good, I feel for people that are struggling right now as there’s no end in sight of prices coming down. Incomes aren't matching these increases." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
be upслучаться
be up one's alleyподходить (I figured he'd be right up your alley. VLZ_58)
be up for somethingне возражать против (чего-либо Scooper)
be up for grabsбыть на кону (4uzhoj)
be up for grabsискать нового хозяина (Stray kitten up for grabs!; в т.ч. и шутливо о вещах: A job transfer has taken the sellers too far away to keep the boat, so she's up for grabs. • Unfortunately, the customer backed out, so now it's up for grabs. 4uzhoj)
be up for grabsразыгрываться (An awesome tech goodie bag is up for grabs! Who will win it? • We've got $1000 up for grabs in our new quiz. All you have to do is call this number. • There's three points up for grabs – в матче разыгрываются три очка SirReal)
be up for grabsлегко соглашаться на интимную близость (о женщине; переводится в зависимости от контекста: ...girl who said she was up for grabs for the quickest pair of boots after her into the garden.)
be up for grabsпродаваться (It's up for grabs on Ebay. • Unfortunately, I'm not really a skirty boi, so this skirt is up for grabs. 4uzhoj)
be up for grabsдавать всем подряд
be up for grabsне являться ничьей собственностью (преводится в зависимости от контекста: "Back off, this one's mine." "I beg to differ," Ruben said. "Until a woman has said I do then she's up for grabs.)
be up for somethingбыть за что-то (Scooper)
be up for somethingиметь силы и желание (сделать что-либо; After a long day at work I wasn't really up for a party; It's a long walk. Are you up for it? thefreedictionary.com Ин.яз)
be up for somethingиметь желание (сделать что-либо; We're going clubbing tonight if you're up for it. Ин.яз)
be up for somethingне возражать против (чего-либо; to be up for something = to be down for something, как ни странно. Wanna hang out tonight? I'm totally up for that (down for that)! Scooper)
be up for somethingбыть не против (чего-либо Scooper)
be up for trialнаходиться под судом
be up for trialнаходиться под судом
be up in someone's faceприставать (Technical)
be up on somethingбыть в курсе (чего-либо: Are you up on the quarterly numbers? ART Vancouver)
be up shit creek without a paddleбыть в незавидном положении (не сказал бы, что это табуированная лексика SirReal)
be up the creekс приветом
be up the creek without a paddleпопасть
be up toзаниматься (What are you up to this weekend? – Чем будешь заниматься в выходные? ART Vancouver)
be up toвытворяться
be up toзамутить (собираться замутить VLZ_58)
be up toвытворить (pf of вытворять)
be up toвытвориться
be up to itбыть ловким
be up to itбыть хитрым
be up to mischiefбаловаться
be up to mischiefнабедокурить (pf of бедокурить)
be up to mischiefбаловать
be up to mischiefпрокудить
be up to mischiefизбаловать
be up to mischiefпрока́зить
be up to mischief for a whileпобаловаться
be up to mischief for a whileпобаловать (= побаловаться)
be up to one's neck in somethingбыть по уши (в ч.-либо Евгений Тамарченко)
be up to one's neck in somethingне вылезать (из чего-либо; также см. up to neck Евгений Тамарченко)
be up to one's neck in worryхлопот полон рот
be up to one's neck in worryзабот полон рот
be up to parбыть на уровне
be up to standardбыть на уровне
be up to the ears in loveбыть влюблённым по уши
be up to the markбыть на уровне
be up to the taskработать / функционировать надлежащим образом
be up to the taskработать/функционировать надлежащим образом (juliab.copyright)
Something seems to be upВидимо, что-то случилось (Soulbringer)
what is up with?по какой причине? (что-то происходит: "Anyone have any idea what is up with the fireworks downtown right now?!" "They're celebrating the Oilers victory in our own backyard. Bastards!" (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
what is up with?с какой стати? (что-то происходит: "Anyone have any idea what is up with the fireworks downtown right now?!" "They're celebrating the Oilers victory in our own backyard. Bastards!" (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
what is up with?в чём там дело? (что-то происходит: "Anyone have any idea what is up with the fireworks downtown right now?!" "They're celebrating the Oilers victory in our own backyard. Bastards!" (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
what's up with thatкакие проблемы (VLZ_58)
what's up with that?что за дела? (Выражает недовольство, удивление какой-либо ситуацией.: He didn't tell me about this. What's up with that? • My car broke down twice this month. What's up with that? TranslationHelp)
what's up with that?как это понимать? (Выражает недовольство, удивление какой-либо ситуацией.: He didn't tell me about this. What's up with that? • My car broke down twice this month. What's up with that? TranslationHelp)
what's up with thatну и что (Выражение "what's up with that" употребляется дважды в фильме No Looking Back 1998 г., в котором одну из главных ролей исполнил Джон Бон Джови: 1. диалог между Чарли и Майклом: Charlie: ...and I happened to notice she didn't have a ring on her finger, man. Michael: What's up with that? It's because she doesn't have one. 2. диалог между Клодией и её знакомой Элис: Alice: So I heard that Charlie's been doing lunch over at the diner a lot these days. What's up with that? Claudia: -Nothing's up with that. Alice: Oh, really? People are talking. Claudia: Yeah? Well, you shouldn't listen to them. Надеюсь, оба контекста помогут happyhope перевести это выражение правильно. VLZ_58)
what's up with that?и что это значит? (VLZ_58; Почему это так? (Man, you know, (if) you ask a lot of women to describe their ideal man (and) they'll describe another woman. What's up with that?) happyhope)
what's up with you?что с тобой стряслось? (The bear, evidently, fared better in the collision than Milner did. “Man, those bears are built like a truck,” he said. “I thought I was going to die.” The bear also wasn’t phased by the bystander trying to ward it off from the injured and upset Milner. “He was kind of looking at me, really curious, kind of like, ‘What’s up with you?’ he said. “Then the bear just started eating grass. He pretty much just carried on with his day.” nsnews.com ART Vancouver)