
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing be of | all forms
an example of this isв качестве примера можно указать на ("Diseases are not genetic in any way, shape, or form. They're simple nutritional deficiencies," Wallach declared. An example of this, he continued, is osteoporosis, which he said is caused by a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3 and other minerals like copper. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
an example of this isпримером этого является ("Diseases are not genetic in any way, shape, or form. They're simple nutritional deficiencies," Wallach declared. An example of this, he continued, is osteoporosis, which he said is caused by a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3 and other minerals like copper. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
be always in quest ofнаходиться в постоянном поиске (zest for adventure that's always spurred mankind in quest of the unknown. VLZ_58)
be in support ofслужить для подкрепления (официального документа – заявления, ходатайства, петиции и т. п. Midnight_Lady)
be out of line with smth.противоречить чему-л. (igisheva)
be out of line with smth.не соответствовать чему-л. (igisheva)
be outside one's area of expertiseвыходить за пределы компетенции (кого-л.: The Fowler case came to light after American psychiatrist Dr. Morton Prince, who Felber described as “the father of abnormal psychology” was contacted by general physician Jackson Putnam, who wrote to Prince that if he were living in a different time he would attribute the case to demonic possession, while acknowledging that it was outside his area of expertise. The symptoms, which Prince and his team would eventually observe themselves, included changes in her looks, voice, and temperament. “The symptoms were incredible,” Felber noted. “Her face would remold into a different face. Her voice would change into this terrifying voice… in different languages.” (coasttocoastam.com) • Её необычная заявка вне прейскурантного характера выходит за пределы компетенции всех уровней администрации фирмы. (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
May the joy and peace of Christmas be with you alwaysПусть радость и безмятежность Рождества всегда остаются с Вами (Leonid Dzhepko)
of that there can be no doubtв этом не может быть сомнений (UFOs are real, of that there can be no doubt. It all depends, though, on what you mean by 'real'... (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
that's the least of my worriesэто меньше всего меня беспокоит
the importance of ... cannot be overstatedневозможно переоценить важность, значение (As the day begins to heat up, shutting the windows and drawing the blinds helps keep the indoor air cool for as long as possible. The importance of window coverings in this process cannot be overstated. Light-coloured blinds, shades, or curtains can block out the heat of the sun and reduce indoor temperatures significantly. This is especially important for windows facing east or west, which receive the most sunlight. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
the importance of ... cannot be overstatedнельзя переоценить важность, значение (As the day begins to heat up, shutting the windows and drawing the blinds helps keep the indoor air cool for as long as possible. The importance of window coverings in this process cannot be overstated. Light-coloured blinds, shades, or curtains can block out the heat of the sun and reduce indoor temperatures significantly. This is especially important for windows facing east or west, which receive the most sunlight. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
the same might be said ofто же самое можно сказать о (Falcon criticized B.C. Premier David Eby, saying Eby has "suddenly woken up" to the housing crisis after a term as housing minister. The same might be said of Falcon, who was Liberal transportation minister for five years, between 2004 and 2009. We note that no new bridges to the North Shore were built during that time. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
there is no other way of putting itиначе это никак не назовёшь (It was illegal, there's no other way of putting it. ART Vancouver)
there's no way of knowingнеизвестно (Based on the size of the footprints, it appears the child was less than 3 years old and did not accompany the older female on the return journey. Did she drop the kid off in a camp? Why were they traveling among dangerous animals on the slippery lakeshore? “There’s no way of knowing,” says Bennett. “But if you’ve ever rushed to get somewhere important while carrying a tired toddler, you’ve experienced a very similar emotion”—even if you weren’t looking over your shoulder for saber-toothed cats. smithsonianmag.com ART Vancouver)
there's no way of knowingэто невозможно установить (Based on the size of the footprints, it appears the child was less than 3 years old and did not accompany the older female on the return journey. Did she drop the kid off in a camp? Why were they traveling among dangerous animals on the slippery lakeshore? “There’s no way of knowing,” says Bennett. “But if you’ve ever rushed to get somewhere important while carrying a tired toddler, you’ve experienced a very similar emotion”—even if you weren’t looking over your shoulder for saber-toothed cats. smithsonianmag.com ART Vancouver)
Through every moment of the holidays, every day of the new year may peace and happiness be yoursПусть каждое мгновение праздников и каждый день в новом году будет мирным и счастливым для Вас (Leonid Dzhepko)
what is the point of a ...?в чём смысл ...? (What is the point of an election here in Canada if the losers can gang up and toss out the winner? I don't think this is what democracy is about. ART Vancouver)
what's the good of that?а что толку? (ART Vancouver)
would not be out of placeвполне подойти (A columned, pedimented portico introduces a classical revival house that would not be out of place in the eastern U.S. (Ron Phillips) ART Vancouver)
would not be out of placeне помешать (A hot toddy would not be out of place, eh? ART Vancouver)
would not be out of placeвполне быть к месту (A columned, pedimented portico introduces a classical revival house that would not be out of place in the eastern U.S. (Ron Phillips) ART Vancouver)