
Terms for subject General containing bad debt | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a bad debtбезнадёжный долг
allowance for bad debtдопустимые безнадёжные долги (Lavrov)
bad debtсписанный долг (по несостоятельности должника murad1993)
bad debtне возвращённый в срок долг
bad debtссуда, не погашенная вовремя
bad debtбезнадёжный кредит
bad debtпроблемная задолженность (noun [C, U] a debt that is unlikely to be paid. OALD Alexander Demidov)
bad debtсомнительный долг
Bad Debt ExpenseРасходы на покрытие безнадёжных долгов
bad debt insuranceвызванных неуплатой долгов
bad debt portfolioпортфель проблемной задолженности (Alexander Demidov)
bad debt provisionрезерв под задолженность по кредитам (Alexander Demidov)
bad debt provisionрезерв по сомнительным долгам (A statement in the accounts of a creditor of the extent to which it expects to have to write off bad debts, that is, to cease to record them as assets in its accounts. A firm with bad debts must at some stage decide to write them off. If it has numerous debtors, each of doubtful solvency, it is possible to make a ‘bad debt provision', naming an amount by which it expects to have to write off bad debts, without the need to specify on which particular debts hope has been abandoned. OE Alexander Demidov)
bad debt provisionрезерв по безнадёжным долгам
bad debt receivablesрезерв сомнительных долгов (4uzhoj)
bad debt reserveрезерв на сомнительные долги (An account set aside by a company to account for and offset losses that arise as a result of defaults from futures loans. This figure may be calculated based on historical norms or other known information about the relative safety of the debt. Also known as a "loss reserve". investopedia.com Alexander Demidov)
bad debt write-offсписанная в убыток задолженность неплатёжеспособных дебиторов (slovopedia.com Tanya Gesse)
collect on a bad debtвернуть проблемную задолженность (Alexander Demidov)