
Terms for subject Makarov containing as fast as | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
as fast asтакой же быстрый, как
as fast asпо мере того, как
as fast asтак же быстро, как
as fast asкак только
he is slipping into a clean shirt as fast as he canон торопится, надевает чистую рубашку
he ran as fast as his legs would carry himон бежал со всех ног
he ran as fast as his legs would carry himон бежал без оглядки
he streaked off as fast as his legs would carry himон умчался со всех ног
I rode on as fast as possible to the next post relayя ехал верхом к следующей почтовой станции как можно быстрее
I seized the books and read them as fast as I couldя вцепился в книги и запоем прочитал их
run as fast as one's legs can carry oneбежать со всех ног
run as fast as one's legs can carry oneбежать во весь дух
run as fast as one canбежать изо всех сил
sleep as fast as a topкрепко спать
sleep like as fast as a topкрепко спать
stray off as fast as one's legs would carryумчаться со всех ног
they peltered towards the river as fast as they could goони бежали к реке сломя голову