
Terms for subject General containing as far back | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
as far back as 1900еще в 1900-ом году
as far back asещё в (as far back as 1930 – ещё в 1930 году • The company had been considering various options for going public as far back as October, Bloomberg reported at the time. • China's disclosures to the WHO raise questions about the possibility that Covid-19 – which has now killed more than 2.3 million people – was already spreading in China as far back as October 2019 and that earlier detection could have helped contain the outbreak before it became a global pandemic.)
as far back asещё
as far back as I can rememberсколько себя помню
as far back as the first of Januaryещё первого января
he said the idea had already gelled in his mind as far back as 1981он сказал, что эта идея выкристаллизовалась у него очень давно – ещё в 1981 году
he suggested the possibility of this reaction course as far back as 1907он предположил возможность подобного хода реакции ещё в 1907 году
he's been living here as far back as I can rememberна моей памяти он всегда жил здесь
Moscow was founded as far back as the 12th centuryмосква была основана ещё в двенадцатом веке