
Terms containing arts and crafts | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.applied arts and craftsприкладное искусство
Gruzovik, arts.applied arts and craftsприкладное искусство
construct.art and craft roomстудия
schoolart-and-craft schoolхудожественно-ремесленная школа (Like many others, it changed to an art and craft school in the late 19th century and then to a design school in the 1970s. vbadalov)
arts.arts and craftsнародные промыслы (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.arts and craftsпредметы декоративно-прикладного искусства (skazik)
gen.arts and craftsнародное творчество (особ. резьба, вышивка)
gen.arts and craftsприкладное искусство
gen.arts and craftsнародные художественные промыслы (activities that need both artistic and practical skills, such as making cloth, jewellery and pottery. OALD. made in a style that returned to using patterns, materials, and methods that existed before industrial production, following ideas developed in England in the late 19th century a collection of Arts and Crafts jewellery. MED Alexander Demidov)
gen.arts and craftsдекоративно-прикладное искусство (Alex Lilo)
gen.arts and craftsкустарные ремесла
gen.arts and craftsхудожественные практики (1. objects that are meant to be both useful and beautiful: a shop that sells local arts and crafts, such as pottery and baskets 2. the activity of making such objects: demonstrations of various arts and crafts *the Arts and Crafts Movement [=a time when many people were working together to make arts and crafts popular] in the second half of the 19th century. MWALD Alexander Demidov)
gen.arts and craftsкружок "умелые руки" (4uzhoj)
gen.arts and craftsтовары народного промысла (sankozh)
ed.arts and craftsурок труда (You may think that you learned everything there is to know about scissors during arts and crafts in school but there's a lot to tell about this common item. – на уроках труда в школе ART Vancouver)
arts.arts and craftsхудожественный промысел (Andrey Truhachev)
arts.arts and craftsнародные промыслы и ремесла (Andrey Truhachev)
arts.arts and craftsхудожественный стиль "искусства и ремёсла" (Arts and Crafts style, Arts and Crafts building; The Arts and Crafts movement was a British and American aesthetic movement of the late 19th century and the early years of the 20th century. It emphasized craftsmanship, the use of local materials and idealized the craftsman taking pride in his personal handiwork. ART Vancouver)
gen.arts and craftsхудожественные промыслы (the arts of decorative design and handicraft – they sponsored arts and crafts in order to encourage craftsmanship in an age of mass production. WN3 Alexander Demidov)
gen.arts and crafts industryнародно-художественные промыслы (From jewellery to glassblowing, textiles to pottery, Scotland’s thriving arts and crafts industry produces a fantastic range of authentic products, with many artisans using traditional methods Tamerlane)
gen.arts and crafts itemsизделия художественных промыслов (fewer UK hits Alexander Demidov)
gen.arts and crafts marketярмарка народных промыслов (Andrey Truhachev)
arts.arts and crafts marketярмарка изделий мастеров народных промыслов и ремесел (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.arts and crafts marketярмарка изделий народных промыслов (Andrey Truhachev)
trav.arts and crafts saleпродажа изделий народных промыслов (snowleopard)
ed.arts and crafts schoolремесленное училище
ed.arts and crafts schoolремесленная школа
gen.do arts and craftsмастерить (VLZ_58)
gen.he taught elemental arts and crafts to the childrenон обучал детей начаткам народных ремёсел
gen.he taught elemental arts and crafts to the childrenон обучал детей начаткам народных ремесел
arts.Leningrad Higher Arts and Crafts CollegeЛВХПУ (Ленинградское высшее художественно-промышленное училище andrew_egroups)
arts.Mukhina Leningrad Higher Arts and Crafts CollegeЛенинградское высшее художественно-промышленное училище им. Мухиной (ЛВХПУ andrew_egroups)
gen.the Arts and Crafts movement"Искусства и ремесла" (общественно-эстетическое направление 2-й пол. 19 в. в Англии)