
Terms for subject Journalism terminology containing articles | all forms | exact matches only
article submission guidelinesправила оформления статей (welovedoka)
article titledстатья под названием ('How To Cook Anything' recently printed an article titled "The Art of Cooking Nude." Isn't it rather suggestive? ART Vancouver)
article writersпишущая пресса (MichaelBurov)
articles for newspapers and magazinesгазетные и журнальные статьи (Konstantin 1966)
censored news articlesзапрещённые цензурой новостные статьи (CNN, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)
complimentary articleлестная статья (Johnny Bravo)
complimentary articleпохвальная статья (Johnny Bravo)
follow-up articleпродолжение (темы – о статье: "This post has been up for 2 hours and there's not one snarky comment about the criminal justice system? Was Reddit down or something?" "We will save those comments for the follow-up article that says they got fined $172 for killing someone with a car and that's it." (Reddit ) ART Vancouver)
news articlesновостные статьи (CNN, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)
op-ed articleредакционный комментарий (Taras)
op-ed articleпублицистическая статья (тж. см. op-ed articles Taras)
op-ed articleстатья в разделе откликов (Taras)
op-ed articlesпублицистические статьи, полемизирующие с редакторской позицией (тж. op-ed pieces Taras)
opinion articleстатья-мнение (Milissa)
subject for an articleтема для статьи (Dr. Jacques Vallee collects several of these stories in his excellent book, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union, a Cosmic Samidzat. In his other books Vallee lays out some compelling conjecture on why this just might be, detailing how the phenomenon appears to want to be seen by those who witness it and how it conforms to our expectations based on the technology and popular opinion of the era. It's why the "eccentric inventors" of the airship flap era was replaced by "advanced beings from another planet" in the space age. But that's a subject for another article. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)