
Terms for subject Figure of speech containing am | all forms | exact matches only
all that is mine with me all the timeвсё своё ношу с собой (Vl_T)
be a deadweightбыть бесполезным, как фонарь днём (Taras)
be a millstone around someone's neckбыть бесполезным, как фонарь днём (Taras)
be a waste of spaceбыть бесполезным, как фонарь днём (Taras)
be cloudy-mindedплохо соображать (напр., после сна: It appeared about one hundred feet away, and I slowly approached it. I was out here for observing animals, and I was still slightly cloudy-minded from sleep. So as I got close it started screaming again. -- я ещё плохо соображал со сна (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
be confined toоставаться уделом (кого-л. britannica.com Alex_Odeychuk)
be on the frontline of a war with fateбыть на линии фронта войны с судьбой (Alex_Odeychuk)
be that wayбыть влюблённым (The star and the director are that way. I'm that way about coffee. sea holly)
but that's another storyно не о том речь (Alex, meanwhile, was falling madly in love with Nicky, but that's another story. Funnily, we bumped into each other again in Amsterdam, but that's another story Vitaliyb)
capture sb.'s imaginationовладеть воображением кого-л. (Mt. Fuji's lake monster first became widely known in the 1970s, when there was a rash of sightings of something large and unexplainable lurking in the depths of the lakes. The idea of a water monster roaming the waters at the foot of the famous Mt. Fuji captured the public imagination and drew a lot of media attention at the time. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
cat's gameигра или действия без шансов на успех ((кот не может "догнать" свой хвост) proggie)
decide that enough is enoughрешить, что всему есть предел (Alex_Odeychuk)
evoke memories that hurt and are futileподнимать со дна души бесплодно-жгучие воспоминания (Alex_Odeychuk)
evoke memories that hurt and are futileподнимать с глубин памяти бесплодно-жгучие воспоминания (Alex_Odeychuk)
his star is setего звезда закатилась
I am almost tempted to sayтак и хочется сказать (контекстуальный перевод на русский язык Alex_Odeychuk)
I am living life through a phoneживу в экране телефона (Alex_Odeychuk)
I am not going to die on that hillдля меня это не принципиально (A key part of the meaning is the cost-benefit analysis. How high is the issue on your list of priorities, versus how high would be the cost of fighting that fight? In military terms, fighting up a hill, with the enemy above you, can cost much time and many lives. A military commander must judge whether taking that hill is worth the high cost.: An American comedian was asked about her views on marijuana legalization during an interview. She said she supported it, but she wasn't going to die on that hill. It wasn't high enough on her list that she should be putting herself out to support its recreational use. wordreference.com 'More)
is pushing his way to the topна ходу подмётки рвёт (Leonid Dzhepko)
it is one thing on top of anotherодно к одному (Leonid Dzhepko)
it is one trouble on top of anotherодно к одному (Leonid Dzhepko)
let's start from the topначнем со старшинства (начнем с головы, с верхов Maeldune)
life is aimed at the heartжизнь настроена на сердце (Alex_Odeychuk)
that's how it isвот какие пироги (Leonid Dzhepko)
that's the dealвот какие пироги (Leonid Dzhepko)
that's the storyвот какие пироги (Leonid Dzhepko)
that was on the back burner of my mind for a little while.эта мысль какое-то время вызревала на задворках моего сознания