
Terms for subject Informal containing all in | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
all inвыдохшийся
all inв изнеможении
all inсовершенно измученный
all inобессиленный до предела
all inизмученный до предела
all inразбитый (Dianka)
all inизмученный
all inсовершенно обессиленный
all inкрайне утомлённый
all in a day's workобычное дело (if something difficult, unpleasant, or unusual is all in a day's work for someone, it is a normal part of their job; the phrase is often used humorously to minimize an aspect of one's job that is particularly good or bad: For war reporters, dodging snipers' bullets is all in a day's work. • Oh, solving technological crises is all in a day's work for those of us in IT. Stargaze)
all in a lumpмгновенно (VLZ_58)
all in a lumpс ходу (VLZ_58)
all in a lumpодним махом (VLZ_58)
all in of a trembleв сильном волнении
all in of a trembleдрожа
all in allкругом-бегом (Сергій Саржевський)
All quiet in Baghdadв Багдаде все спокойно (Capital)
all-inвыжатый, как лимон (igisheva)
and where do I come in all thatа какова моя-то роль во всём этом (readerplus)
awaken tenderness in a person who has lost all feelingsразбудить милоту даже в том, у кого всё умерло (Alex_Odeychuk)
be all inбыть утомлённым
be all inбыть изнурённым
be all inбыть утомлённым
be all inбыть изнурённым
be all in a day's workбыть чьей-либо работой (Nevtutor)
be in all one's gloryразвернуться вовсю
begin to crawl in all directionsраспо́лзаться
begin to crawl in all directionsрасползтись
begin to crawl in all directionsраспалзываться
drive in nails, etc all overуколачивать (impf of уколотить)
drive in all overуколотить (nails, etc.)
get all up in someone's faceнаезжать (This refers to the way that someone acting aggressively will often get very close to their opponent and shout in their face. Figuratively speaking, it can also just mean someone being aggressive or antagonistic, without them necessarily getting physically close. 4uzhoj)
hammer in all overуколотить (nails, etc.)
hammer in all overуколачивать
hammer in nails, etc all overуколачивать (impf of уколотить)
hammer in all overуколачиваться
hammer in all overуколотить
hammer in all the nailsпозабивать все гвозди
have all your ducks in a rowпроработать факты, детали до начала проекта (Linch)
he didn't have a piece of bread in his mouth all dayон целые сутки не видал во рту куска хлеба
he keeps his head in his books all dayон целый день сидит над книгами
he stood in line all morning for ticketsон всё утро простоял в хвосте за билетами
I wouldn't agree to that for all the tea in Chinaя не соглашусь ни за какие коврижки
I wouldn't do that for all the tea in China!хрена с два! (Taras)
in all directionsврассыпную
in all directionsврассыпку
in all hasteво весь дух (Novoross)
in all hasteочертя голову (Novoross)
in all hasteопрометью (Novoross)
in all hasteво весь опор (Novoross)
in all hasteсловно на пожар (Novoross)
in all hasteкак угорелый (Novoross)
in all hasteво всю прыть (Novoross)
in all hasteточно угорелый (Novoross)
in all hasteпулей (Novoross)
in all likelihoodсудя по всему (In all likelihood, they will comply with the demands. Val_Ships)
in all likelihoodпожалуй что (Excuses for not attending will be offered and in all likelihood will be accepted by the hosts. Val_Ships)
in all likelihoodскорее всего (In all likelihood everything will go to ​plan. Val_Ships)
in all likelihoodвполне вероятно (very probably Val_Ships)
in all probabilityнебось
in all these yearsза все эти годы (That's what I have come to understand in all these years of trying to make sense of it.' Damirules)
in all things moderationбез фанатизма (Health, well-being, and success rest on one principle: In all things moderation. george serebryakov)
in line with all thisКо всему тому
it's all in a day's workобычное дело (the phrase is often used humorously to minimize an aspect of one's job that is particularly good: He waved my thanks aside. 'It's all in a day's work.' Stargaze)
it's all in a day's workэто моя работа (the phrase is often used humorously to minimize an aspect of one's job that is particularly good: I said: `How can I ever thank you?' but he waved the question aside. `It's all in a day's work.' 4uzhoj)
it's all in knowing howумеючи и ведьму бьют
it's All in Your Handsвсё в твоих руках ([email protected])
it's all tied up inзавязано на (cyruss)
kick in all directionsрасфутболивать
lose all of one's possessions in a fireпогорать
lose all possession in a fireпогореть
lose all one's possession in a fireпогореть
lose all possession in a fireпогорать
move in all directionsюлиться
not for all the coffee in Brazilни за какие кренделя (Am. Andrey Truhachev)
not for all the coffee in Brazilни за какие блага (Am. Andrey Truhachev)
not for all the coffee in Brazilни за какие сокровища мира! (Am. Andrey Truhachev)
not for all the coffee in Brazilни за что (Am. Andrey Truhachev)
not for all the coffee in Brazilни за какие деньги (Am. Andrey Truhachev)
not for all the coffee in Brazilни за что на свете (Am. Andrey Truhachev)
sing all the songs in successionприпеть
spend all one's money in travelingпроездиться
spend all one's money in travellingпроездиться
spend all money in travellingпроездиться
stay in the country all summerотжить всё лето в деревне
stay in the country all summerотживать всё лето в деревне
throw in all directionsрасшвыривать
throw in all directionsрасшвырнуть
throw in all directionsрасшвырять
throw in all directionsрасшвыривать (impf of расшвырять)
throw in all directionsрасшвырять (pf of расшвыривать)
throw in all directionsрасшвыриваться
throw in all directionsрасшвырнуть (semelfactive of расшвыривать)
toss in all directionsрасшвыривать
travel in all directionsискрещиваться
travel in all directionsискрещивать (impf of искрестить)
travel in all directionsискрестить (pf of искрещивать)
work in an "all hands on deck" modeавралить (Additionally, the users are probably accustomed to the IT team working in an "all hands on deck" mode when incidents occur. george serebryakov)
you're all right in my bookкажется, ты парень что надо (Technical)