
Terms containing advanced payment | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
bank.advance paymentускорять платёж
lawadvance paymentдосрочная выплата (долга)
O&G. tech.advance payment financingдосрочная выплата роялти (без учёта эксплуатационных расходов; источник: словарь Извекова)
patents.advance payment of feeавансовая уплата пошлины
busin.advance payment of salaryдосрочная выдача заработной платы
O&G. tech.advance royalty paymentдосрочная выплата роялти
gen.advanced fee paymentдосрочная выплата вознаграждения (bigmaxus)
patents.advanced licence paymentавансовый лицензионный платёж
fin.advanced lump sum paymentединовременный авансовый платёж (Olga47)
gen.advanced paymentпредоплата (mailbag)
lawadvanced payment guaranteeгарантия в качестве обеспечения обязательства по возврату аванса (Issued by banks on behalf of their clients in the context of a large construction projects or export sales contract. The bank undertakes to repay an up-front payment that the client has received in the event that the client does not fulfil the terms of its contract. Found on Advance Payment Guarantee A guarantee issued by a bank, on behalf of a seller to a buyer, in relation to any advance payment that is made by the buyer to the seller to allow the contract to commence. If the contract is not completed the buyer can claim reimbursement of the advance payment under the guarantee. Found on (PROJECT GLOSSARY) A bank guarantee issued by the seller to the buyer to enable the seller to recover money advanced to the seller in the form of stage payments, should the seller not deliver or finish the work. Found on londontrade.co.uk, aibtradefinance.com, instrument-net.co.uk Alexander Demidov)
bank.Advanced Payment Guaranteeавансовая гарантия (WiseSnake)
lawadvanced payment guaranteeбанковская гарантия в качестве обеспечения обязательства по возврату аванса (Issued by banks on behalf of their clients in the context of a large construction projects or export sales contract. The bank undertakes to repay an up-front payment that the client has received in the event that the client does not fulfil the terms of its contract. Found on londontrade.co.uk Alexander Demidov)
gen.advanced payment guaranteeбанковская гарантия возврата аванса (Guarantee supplied by a party receiving an advance payment to the party advancing the payment. It provides that the advanced sum will be returned if the agreement under which the advance was made cannot be fulfilled. businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
mil., avia.advanced payment of mileage authorizedразрешена авансовая оплата проездных
bank.advanced payments from customersдосрочные платежи от клиентов
account.advanced payments from customersдосрочные платежи клиентов
SAP.cash in advance paymentналичные средства авансовой выплаты
bank.China National Advanced Payment SystemСистема расчётов в юанях на территории континентального Китая (CNAPS Ying)
fin.money advance paymentденежный задаток
bank.payment in advanceавансовый платёж
busin.payment in advanceоплата авансом
invest.payment of advanceвыплата аванса
bank.payment of refunds in advanceвозврат переплат авансом
busin.payment of salary in advanceвыплата заработной платы авансом
mil.travel advance paymentвыплачиваемые авансом путевые деньги (при командировках)