
Terms for subject Law containing administration of justice | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
administration of justiceобеспечение правопорядка
administration of justiceисполнение законодательства (Andrey Truhachev)
administration of justiceприменение (наказания)
administration of justiceосуществление правосудия (max hits. "The administration of justice would be an empty form, an idle ceremony." Select Speeches of Daniel Webster "The Advocates, however, refusing to attend them, a suspension in the administration of justice took place." Memoir Correspondence And Miscellanies. Wordnik – АД Denis Lebedev)
administration of justiceотправление правосудия
administration of justice actзакон об отправлении правосудия
Administration of Justice Departmentуправление судебного департамента (Echie)
impartial administration of justiceбеспристрастное отправление правосудия (the ~ Alex_Odeychuk)
pervert the administration of justiceизвратить отправление правосудия
the administration of justiceправосудие (tfennell)