
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing a-a | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a big thank you goes out to sb.огромная благодарность кому-л. (ART Vancouver)
a case in point isпример этого
a fair amountпредостаточно (You might have caught on that it rains a fair amount in Vancouver. It's important to have the essentials as you go about your day-to-day and explorations in the city. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
a fair amountзначительное количество (a fair amount of cloud cover ART Vancouver)
a fair amountхватает (You might have caught on that it rains a fair amount in Vancouver. It's important to have the essentials as you go about your day-to-day and explorations in the city. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
a fair amountпорядочно (You might have caught on that it rains a fair amount in Vancouver. It's important to have the essentials as you go about your day-to-day and explorations in the city. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
a fair amountобильно (You might have caught on that it rains a fair amount in Vancouver. It's important to have the essentials as you go about your day-to-day and explorations in the city. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
a fair amountизрядно (You might have caught on that it rains a fair amount in Vancouver. It's important to have the essentials as you go about your day-to-day and explorations in the city. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
a fair amount of timeнемало времени (I'll be in Vancouver next week and am planning to spend a fair amount of time in Stanley Park, Gastown and Chinatown, and I've got some shopping to do. ART Vancouver)
a friend of a friendзнакомый знакомых (When I was younger there was a friend of a friend…he was from Australia here on a one year work visa, he had never left the downtown peninsula in the whole year! (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
a lesser placeмир много потерял (The world is a lesser place without him – С его смертью мир много потерял. The ocean would be a lesser place without these animals – Без этих животных океан бы много потерял. lady_west)
A likely story!так я тебе и поверил! ("Is one to have no privacy, Glossop?" I said coldly. "I instructed Jeeves to lock the door because I was about to disrobe." "A likely story!" said Tuppy, and I'm not sure he didn't add "Forsooth!" "You needn't try to make me believe that you're afraid people are going to run excursion trains to see you in your underwear." (P.G. Wodehouse))
A likely story!так я вам и поверил!
a man by the name ofчеловек по имени (Moving back over to the United States, on September 4, 1965 a man by the name of A.F. Salsbury Renton was out hunting at the Green River Gorge, in Washington, when he was confronted by an alien spaceship, and he would say of his bizarre experience: "Then a voice came from out of the craft which sounded like it came from a loud speaker and said in a distinct, but loudly amplified tone, ‘Don’t be afraid little Earthman, we are not going to hurt you – put down that gun and we will come out and see you.’ " mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
a man of the worldумудрённый житейским опытом человек (ART Vancouver)
a microcosm ofкак в капле воды отражается (VLZ_58)
a must-have + nounдолжен быть у каждого (It's a must-have financial guide for every Canadian. ART Vancouver)
a pretty state of things!ну и ну! (возмущённо ART Vancouver)
a proud history of commitment toдавняя приверженность к (sankozh)
a short distance fromна небольшом расстоянии от (The incident, which occurred on October 4, 1967, involved multiple witnesses who saw an unidentified object descend from the sky into the ocean a short distance from Shag Harbour – a small fishing village situated along the Atlantic coastline of Nova Scotia. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
a short distance fromнедалеко от (The incident, which occurred on October 4, 1967, involved multiple witnesses who saw an unidentified object descend from the sky into the ocean a short distance from Shag Harbour – a small fishing village situated along the Atlantic coastline of Nova Scotia. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
a short span of timeкороткое время (Thinking that she may have fallen down the ridge, I looked down and there was nothing, no sign of her, and even if she had fallen the creek was not fast flowing enough for her to have been totally swept away in such a short span of time. Looking back towards the meadow also showed me that she was nowhere, even though if she had somehow changed course and returned she had only been out of sight for a split second and I should have seen her doing so. -- за такое короткое время mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
a short walk awayв двух шагах (Nice building, quiet neighbourhood. Two coffee shops within five minutes walk. Skytrain is a short walk away. ART Vancouver)
a very special messageособый привет (for – кому-л.: Hey I just wanted to drop by and maybe offer some advice. If you live near a tower under construction I would very much advice closing your blinds or curtains in the early morning. I saw this because there are people up in the towers working really early. Like as early as 5 am. And if your curtains are open they see everything. ...Oh and a very special message for the Asian fella out of the King George towers area. We're not really sure if your trying to start a fire in your lap or practicing some self love. But either way bud get some ***ing blinds 'cause me and the fellas really hate working that side of the tower, while you work yours. (Reddit) -- Особый привет передаём ... ART Vancouver)
a war is ongoingидёт война (Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed covered up NASA reports about a UFO destroying a rocket and anomalous data from Mars and Venus, as well as an odd military/UFO incident that suggests a "secret war" is ongoing between humans and some other intelligence. – идёт тайная война coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
a wide range of topicsширокий ряд тем (In the latter half, he discussed a wide range of topics such as UFOs, cryptids, hidden history, ghosts, and monsters that are sometimes labeled as paranormal or conspiracies, and the backstories that created them. -- обсуждался широкий ряд тем coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
a year beforeза год до этого (It had a man's body and was well over 7 feet from head to toe, with a similar wingspan. The sergeant told him that another guard had seen something similar a year before. -- что за год до этого нечто подобное видел другой часовой (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
adopt a wait-and-see approachзанять выжидательную позицию (thenextweb.com Alex_Odeychuk)
apply a bit of common senseпроявлять здравый смысл (while in contrast you apply a bit of common sense and come up with something reasonable – проявить немного здравого смысла ART Vancouver)
as a result of this researchв результате выполненной работы (Alex_Odeychuk)
as a result of this workв результате выполненной работы (Alex_Odeychuk)
as a side noteпопутно хочу заметить, что (ART Vancouver)
as a side noteэто так, к слову (ART Vancouver)
as a side noteотдельно отмечу, что (As a side note, you should not be experiencing this itch if you are taking the prescribed dosage. ART Vancouver)
at a bare minimumв минимальном количестве (The motion of the suspected creature is of particular interest to O’Faodhagain, who argues that it could be a clue as to how the 'monster' goes about its day. Noting that he has previously observed a strikingly similar anomaly moving in the opposite direction shortly before dusk, leading him to conclude that "we have discovered for the very first time that Nessie forages one way in the morning while light is at a bare minimum, and travels back when the light of the evening is diminishing." -- при минимальном освещении (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
at a conservative estimateпо самым скромным оценкам (или "подсчётам": "He isn't half as pumpkin-headed as you.' 'He is, at a conservative estimate, about twenty-seven times as pumpkin-headed as me." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
at a later opportunityпри первом удобном случае (sankozh)
at a later opportunityпри ближайшей возможности (sankozh)
at a paceтемпами (Retail investors are putting cash into the market at a pace unseen since 2020. ART Vancouver)
be a little short onнемного не хватать (о количестве: All you need to become a Snow Angel is a shovel and good health. The city currently has around 400 volunteers. “We’re a little short on volunteers in the Champlain and Marpole areas, but we can use volunteers across the city,” Lawrence said. (CityNews 1130) ART Vancouver)
be a major figureзанимать важное место (John Keats, one of the best-known English Romantic poets, was a major figure on the English literary scene. ART Vancouver)
be a top performerнаходиться на вершине рейтинга (sankozh)
be in for a long timeдолго ждать (Try ordering a meal in this restaurant and you may be in for a long time. – придётся долго ждать ART Vancouver)
be worth a lookстоит взглянуть (The south façade with its bold, semicircular twin bays is an outstanding piece of moderne styling. Though not of the same high quality, the Forum, Pure Food Building and the Livestock Building all have good detailing and are worth a look. (Ron Phillips) -- на них стоит взглянуть / их стоит посмотреть ART Vancouver)
be worth a lookстоит посмотреть (The south façade with its bold, semicircular twin bays is an outstanding piece of moderne styling. Though not of the same high quality, the Forum, Pure Food Building and the Livestock Building all have good detailing and are worth a look. (Ron Phillips) -- на них стоит взглянуть / их стоит посмотреть ART Vancouver)
been around for a long timeне один год (This has been around for a long time. -- Этой проблеме не один год. ART Vancouver)
bring a passion and commitment toполностью посвящать свои усилия (чем-либо sankozh)
build a better worldулучшать жизнь людей (sankozh)
Buy something for a songприобрестикупить что-либо очень дёшево (To purchase something very cheaply. Interex)
champagne taste on a beer budgetтот, кто любит дорогие вещи, но не имеет средств на их приобретение (Someone who likes expensive things but does not have the money to afford them. Interex)
come across a problemстолкнуться с проблемой (ART Vancouver)
come up with a solutionнайти решение (проблемы: Coming up with solutions in critical situations is a skill not every project manager has. • Greenville must rethink this mess and come up with a better solution to give people with disabilities, seniors and others easier access to launch their small water craft. We are not talking about a boat ramp, just a closer drop-off area. ART Vancouver)
come with a high price tagдорого обходиться (Steep real estate prices mean that more than ever, homebuyers are seeking quality renovation solutions that don't come with a high price tag. ART Vancouver)
commands a large part ofпредставленный в большой степени (кем-л.: The media and entertainment industry commands a large part of our roster of clients. – в большой степени представлены среди наших клиентов ART Vancouver)
conduct a thorough analysisтщательно проанализировать (ART Vancouver)
contribute to a processучаствовать в процессе (oliversorge)
create a bloodbathустроить кровавую баню (VLZ_58)
create a buzz onlineвзорвать интернет (или Сеть: Other skeptical viewers have also speculated that perhaps the video is a well-crafted hoax that the model shared on social media in the hopes of creating a buzz online. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
cross a river by a fordпереходить вброд (In one place in the poem, while Sir Gawain searches for the Green Chapel, we are actually given a piece of genuine itinerary. Sir Gawain is journeying through North Wales, leaving Anglesey on his left hand, and then crosses the Dee by some ford into “the wilderness of Wirral.” wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
delve into a discussionввязаться в дискуссию ("At this stage of the game, council isn't going to be able to delve into a discussion about this specific property," said Mayor Robinson. ART Vancouver)
didn't get a chanceне удалось сделать что-л. (+ infinitive: Sorry for calling so early but I didn't get a chance to call last night. -- Прошу прощения за ранний звонок, но вчера вечером не удалось позвонить. ART Vancouver)
do a few choresсделать кое-какие дела (Sorry I didn't call right back, I had to do a few chores in the backyard. ART Vancouver)
do a good jobхорошо выполнить работу (I've been in touch with someone who I think will be able to do a good job with the video, as well as deliver it on time. ART Vancouver)
do a good jobхорошо выполнить задание (I've been in touch with someone who I think will be able to do a good job with the video, as well as deliver it on time. ART Vancouver)
do a quick scanбыстро просмотреть (Given that we’ve already produced eight different versions, I feel quite confident that the base information being pulled from the database should be correct, and all that the descriptive copy should require is a quick scan. – требуется лишь быстро просмотреть текст ART Vancouver)
don't disturb a hornet's nest!не надо тревожить осиное гнездо!
don't go making a tragedy out of itне надо из этого делать трагедию (Leonid Dzhepko)
draw a blankпотерпеть фиаско (igisheva)
end up in a difficult situationпопасть в сложное положение (ART Vancouver)
end up in a difficult situationпопасть в трудное положение (ART Vancouver)
enjoy a lavish lifestyleжить на широкую ногу (Hermann Goering's first wife, Carin von Kantzow, came from a family with anti-Semitic views and Aryan ideology. "Carin fell much harder for Hitler than Goering did, and she was definitely the one who really pushed him to get involved in the Nazi movement," he explained. After Carin died Goering married his second wife, Emmy Sonnemann, a well-known actress who enjoyed the lavish lifestyle afforded her by Goering's position. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
fall into a patternскладывается закономерность (The reports of lake monsters in North America fall into a curious pattern. Nearly all are from mountain lakes, or from the rivers and lakes connected directly with them, which include the Great Lakes. (Peter Costello) ART Vancouver)
for a brief span of timeв течение короткого времени (What was this thing? The creature was only ever seen in the area of Matsudo and only for a brief span of time, leaving the impression that whatever it was it was probably only a passing visitor. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
for a purposeне зря (Anyway, I forgot my passport, so I had to turn back and I missed the flight. And you know what happened to everyone on board. You call it a coincidence but I believe these things are sent to us for a purpose. ART Vancouver)
for a purposeне просто так (Anyway, I got into this accident on my way to the airport so I missed the flight. And you know what happened to everyone on board. You call it a coincidence but I believe these things are sent to us for a purpose. ART Vancouver)
for a reasonне случайно (We're over the Alex Fraser Bridge and we're here for a reason -- we have a crash at the south end. (CityNews 1130) -- Мы здесь не случайно ART Vancouver)
for a reasonнеспроста (He called you for a reason, no doubt about it. -- Он тебе позвонил неспроста, это несомненно. ART Vancouver)
for a reasonне зря (I mean, it is called the Last Frontier for a reason. • Get yourself an umbrella and a rain coat... the city is called Raincouver for a reason. ART Vancouver)
for a very good reasonсовершенно справедливо (In my opinion, Linda's book 'Monsters Among Us: An Exploration of Otherworldly Bigfoots, Wolfmen, Portals, Phantoms, and Odd Phenomena' is her most ambitious and thought-provoking. Section 4 of her book is titled "Creatures of Shadows, Mists, and Lights." And it has that title for a very good reason. As Linda demonstrates on many occasions, where Dogmen are often seen, so are strange and usually small balls of light and mysterious mist. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
for a whileкакое-то время (I think I'll stay with Hiroshi and Julia for a while. –- какое-то время поживу у … • I think I'll try a different toothpaste for a while. -- какое-то время буду пользоваться ... ART Vancouver)
for lack of a better termза неимением лучшего слова (Gordon explained that, for lack of a better term, he would classify at least some of the cryptids reported to him as interdimensional. (coasttocoastam.com) • Я всё ещё любила его или, во всяком случае, хранила чувство к нему, которое за неимением лучшего слова называла любовью. (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
for lack of a better wordза неимением лучшего слова (This goofiness, for lack of a better word, can have serious ramifications for your daughter. ART Vancouver)
from a ... point of viewс точки зрения (from a citizen's and taxpayer's point of view – с точки зрения гражданина и налогоплательщика ART Vancouver)
from a scientific standpointс научной точки зрения (From a scientific standpoint, the Mongolian death worm presents a fascinating puzzle. (thevintagenews.com) ART Vancouver)
from a ... standpointс точки зрения (As a criminal defense attorney I can tell you it's a very tough case from a defense standpoint. ART Vancouver)
gear up for a snowfallготовиться к снегопаду (We're gearing up for the big snowfall tonight, we're ploughing, salting and sanding all major roads and bridges. ART Vancouver)
get a better look atполучше разглядеть (The puzzling anomaly presumably went unnoticed when the video was filmed as, unfortunately, the UAV makes no attempt at getting a better look at the mysterious creature in the field. • The group first saw the silently spinning, apparently ring-shaped UFO through the window of the grammar School. According to Beiling: "We saw it through a window from inside the school at first, then we rushed outside to get a better look. We were all pretty excited, and I think there was one who was even quite frightened. coasttocoastam.com, mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
get a good look atхорошо разглядеть (a report from a witness named Jay MacCarroll, of Kalkaska, Michigan. The witness says that he and a neighbor saw a freakishly large dragonfly measuring 10 to 12 inches long, with four wings and an iridescent blue coloration. (...) When asked if it might have been a radio controlled drone, the man insisted that it was not, and that it made no sound at all as it passed right by them and into the trees. Although the sighting only lasted a few moments, he claims that it passed very close, and that they got a good look at it. • Did you get a good look at the men who attacked you? – Вы хорошо разглядели нападавших? mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
get a good look atхорошо рассмотреть (Did you get a good look at the men who attacked you? – Вы хорошо рассмотрели нападавших? • After seeing the vehicle positioned outside Wilson’s car several times, and then managing to get a good look at his license plate – which the police were quickly able to confirm as being totally bogus – they carefully closed in, with the intention of speaking with the pair of MIB and finding out the nature of their game. ART Vancouver)
get into a rageвыйти из себя (Whatever happens on the road, it's not worth getting into a rage. -- не стоит выходить из себя ART Vancouver)
give sb. a blank stareнедоумённо посмотреть (a look that shows one does not understand what someone has said or does not know the answer to a question. (Merriam-Webster) ART Vancouver)
give a clear answerчётко ответить (You're not giving me a clear answer. ART Vancouver)
give sb. a hintподсказать (Any guesses where I am? I’ll give you a hint – this city has a harbour, there's lots of British style buildings around, and I can see the Olympic Mountains in Washington State. That's right, I'm in beautiful Victoria, B.C.! -- Я подскажу: ... ART Vancouver)
giving you a heads upпредупреждение о возможной проблеме (Yeldar Azanbayev)
go fly a kite!отвали! (Bullfinch)
go fly a kite!хватит! (Bullfinch)
go fly a kite!отстань! (Bullfinch)
go out on a journeyотправиться в путешествие (History is full of intrepid individuals who went out on a journey, never to return. mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
have aжелаю (вам: Have a great weekend! – Have a nice day! – Have a good golf game! – Have fun! ART Vancouver)
have a better idea ofлучше представлять себе (положение дел: On Jan. 4, WLNG spokesperson Sean Beardow told The Squamish Chief that the ship will be spending the upcoming weeks at the Seaspan facility in North Vancouver undergoing its final few refits, loading equipment and undergoing inspections. After that is done, the company will have a better idea of when it will arrive in Squamish. (nsnews.com) • Повышая уровень своей экологической грамотности мы сможем лучше представлять себе последствия наших каждодневных поступков и выборов для окружающей среды.(из рус. источника) ART Vancouver)
have a better idea of whyлучше понять, почему (”That family is suffering because their loved one was murdered, but not only that, they had to wait years for any type of answers,” said Caitlin. “I hope through this trial we, the general public, will have a better idea of why things were slowed down, and what the Crown's case really looks like,” Graham added. ctvnews.ca ART Vancouver)
have a clear pictureчётко представлять себе (have a clearER picture – чётЧЕ представлять себе: There's a perception that larger companies offer more job security, but I think in a smaller company, you have a clearer picture. ART Vancouver)
have a clear pictureясно представлять себе (have a clearER picture – яснEE представлять себе: There's a perception that larger companies offer more job security, but I think in a smaller company, you have a clearer picture. ART Vancouver)
have a familiarity ofбыть знакомым с (Although we have no clue to the identity of the poet, he seems to have a familiarity of the landscape which is described in the poem and with the scenes depicted. -- знаком с местностью, описанной в поэме wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
have a good ideaхорошо известно (“Obviously we don’t know the horrific details of what happened after she entered the park. But we do have a good idea that this is a first-degree murder charge, which would indicate either it was premeditated or it would have been committed at the same time as another crime,” said Graham Duffy. -- нам хорошо известно, что ... ctvnews.ca ART Vancouver)
have a good ideaхорошо знать (I have a good idea who is behind all of this but I will take a look for sure. -- Я хорошо знаю / Мне хорошо известно, кто за этим стоит. ART Vancouver)
have a good relationshipподдерживать хорошие отношения (with – с: Then there are the Memegwesi, primitive ape-like humans that are a major part of the lore of the Ojibwe, Cree, Innu, Metis, Algonquin, and Menominee Indians. They are hairy things, around four feet tall at adulthood, and, according to legend, have had a good relationship with the Indians for many centuries. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
have a good relationship withнаходиться в хороших отношениях с (Then there are the Memegwesi, primitive ape-like humans that are a major part of the lore of the Ojibwe, Cree, Innu, Metis, Algonquin, and Menominee Indians. They are hairy things, around four feet tall at adulthood, and, according to legend, have had a good relationship with the Indians for many centuries. • My partner and I lived in her parents' basement suite for something like 5 years while we were saving to buy a place. No way in hell would we have been able to afford to buy in 2023 if we didn't have that leg up in terms of rent savings. If you have a good relationship with your kids, and you both treat each other like adults and respect each others space boundaries, it's not always bad 'moving out' to only 8ft away from your parents. (Reddit) mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
have a good timeполучать удовольствие (Q: Why do women close their eyes during sex? A: Because they can't stand seeing a man have a good time. ART Vancouver)
have a huge impactоказать огромное влияние (on – на ART Vancouver)
have a long way to goещё далеко (The prices have come down a bit but they have a long way to go before the average Canadian can afford to buy a single-family home in this city. • We still have a long way to go before everyone in our office knows what to do in the event of an earthquake. – Нам ещё далеко до того, когда ... ART Vancouver)
have a nice trip!желаю вам приятной поездки! (Have a nice/good trip and a safe return home! = Желаю вам приятной поездки и благополучного возвращения домой! ART Vancouver)
have a particular interest inособо заинтересовать (модель требует изменения конструкции: Then, a sudden “strong rush of wind” hit the witness, while at the same time, a ramp was stretching to the ground from an opening in the craft. On the ramp, three humanoid “men” appeared, each wearing “shiny, silvery coveralls”. The witness heard the “men” speak an unknown language as they seemingly discussed his presence. He would recall how they seemed to have a particular interest in the horse. The account stops there, and while it doesn’t say what happened after that, we have to assume the witness vacated the area as soon as he could. -- проявили особый интерес к его лошади (ufoinsight.com) ART Vancouver)
have a particular interest inпроявить особый интерес к (Then, a sudden “strong rush of wind” hit the witness, while at the same time, a ramp was stretching to the ground from an opening in the craft. On the ramp, three humanoid “men” appeared, each wearing “shiny, silvery coveralls”. The witness heard the “men” speak an unknown language as they seemingly discussed his presence. He would recall how they seemed to have a particular interest in the horse. The account stops there, and while it doesn’t say what happened after that, we have to assume the witness vacated the area as soon as he could. -- проявили особый интерес к его лошади (ufoinsight.com) ART Vancouver)
have a profound effectпроизвести глубокое впечатление (on sb. – на кого-л.: The husband of Suzanne Somers believes that the late actress visited him from the 'other side' by way of a series of eerie events that occurred in their home following her passing. Alan Hamel, who was married to the Three's Company star for almost 50 years, shared the wondrous experience in an interview with the website Page Six, wherein he recalled how three particularly curious moments unfolded over the course of one day. The weirdness began, he said, when a hummingbird managed to get into their house and flew around the residence until it finally landed on a picture of him and his wife. However, this was just the start of what he later concluded was a message from his departed wife. According to Hamel, the fireplace in their home then suddenly "started all by itself," which was then followed by an even stranger turn of events when "some music came on by Suzanne’s favorite composer." The trio of curious moments understandably had a profound effect on him as, he declared, "I'm a believer now that there is an afterlife. I'm convinced of it." (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
have a profound effectглубоко впечатлить (on sb. – кого-л.: The husband of Suzanne Somers believes that the late actress visited him from the 'other side' by way of a series of eerie events that occurred in their home following her passing. Alan Hamel, who was married to the Three's Company star for almost 50 years, shared the wondrous experience in an interview with the website Page Six, wherein he recalled how three particularly curious moments unfolded over the course of one day. The weirdness began, he said, when a hummingbird managed to get into their house and flew around the residence until it finally landed on a picture of him and his wife. However, this was just the start of what he later concluded was a message from his departed wife. According to Hamel, the fireplace in their home then suddenly "started all by itself," which was then followed by an even stranger turn of events when "some music came on by Suzanne’s favorite composer." The trio of curious moments understandably had a profound effect on him as, he declared, "I'm a believer now that there is an afterlife. I'm convinced of it." (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
have a profound influenceоказать глубокое влияние (on sb., sth. – на кого-л., что-л.: The Brownings and Wordsworth used to visit Ledbury; John Masefield was born there and said that the Hereford scene had a profound influence on his work. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
have a sense of characterразбираться в людях (As an insurance fraud investigator, you must have a sense of character. -- хорошо разбираться в людях  ART Vancouver)
have a significant impact onоказать существенное влияние на (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll. ART Vancouver)
have a significant impact onоказать значительное влияние на (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll. ART Vancouver)
have a significant impact onв существенной степени повлиять на (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll. ART Vancouver)
have a significant impact onв значительной степени повлиять на (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll. ART Vancouver)
have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Yearс Новым годом и с Рождеством Христовым
haven't seen in a whileдавненько не видели (We haven't seen temperatures like that in a while. ART Vancouver)
he gave us a sharp awareness of the situationон позволил нам глубоко осознать происходящее (Leonid Dzhepko)
he has a point thereв этом он прав
he strikes me as a difficult personон мне кажется трудным человеком
hindsight is a wonderful thingзадним умом все крепки (ElzaSmart)
hold a special place of beingзанимать особое место, поскольку (Although there had been many UFO sightings before then, and of course after, the 1960s holds a special place of being a time of some very bizarre encounters with these crafts and their occupants, and here we will look at a selection of some of the stranger of these. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
I am pleased to extend to you this invitation to attend a high-level meetingя рад пригласить Вас на встречу на высоком уровне (Leonid Dzhepko)
I don't give a crap!мне по фигу! (Leonid Dzhepko)
I don't give a hoot about the coldмне по фигу мороз (Leonid Dzhepko)
I get this question a lotменя часто спрашивают об этом (ART Vancouver)
I have a good ideaя хорошо представляю (что происходит: I have a good idea who is behind all of this but I will take a look for sure. -- Я хорошо представляю / Мне хорошо известно, кто за этим стоит. ART Vancouver)
I won't have a chanceу меня не получится (+ infinitive ***тот, кто воспользовался моим примером, неверно указал модель: инфинитив уже включает в себя to***: I'm right in the middle of prepping for the Snowboard Fest this coming Sunday, so I won't have a chance to spend this weekend with you guys. My apologies for that.  ART Vancouver)
if you don't behave I'll come down on you with a heavy handесли ты себя будешь плохо вести, то тебе придётся не сладко (Leonid Dzhepko)
if you take something on, you ought to do a thorough job of itесли ты за что-то берёшься, ты должен довести дело до конца (per Michele A. Berdy Leonid Dzhepko)
in a bindв безвыходном положении (Yeldar Azanbayev)
in a broader senseв более широком смысле (ART Vancouver)
in a short amount of timeза короткое время (In a curious big cat case out of England, a woman spotted what some believe to be a dead puma on the side of a road and, when she later went back to get a look at the creature, it had mysteriously vanished. The disappearance of the suspected big cat was particularly weird as it occurred in such a short amount of time, which led Roberts to speculate that "I think someone's seen my post and they've taken the animal." -- случилось за такое короткое время, что (coasttocoastam.com) • It has been effective in eliciting a range of lexical aspect categories in a short amount of time. (Cambridge English Corpus) ART Vancouver)
in a stewпереживать притеснение (Yeldar Azanbayev)
in a stewпереживать давление (Yeldar Azanbayev)
in a tickв два счёта (igisheva)
in a very few wordsв нескольких словах (Moffitt explained the state of things in a very few words. ART Vancouver)
in a way you are luckyв некотором смысле вам повезло
in a working orderв рабочем состоянии (MichaelBurov)
in a worst-case scenarioв самом худшем случае (In a worst-case scenario, a moderate earthquake on the Vancouver Island fault would create a potential tsunami that would impact not only Victoria but also Vancouver, Seattle, Bellingham, Olympia, and Tacoma. dailyhive.com ART Vancouver)
intended only as a guideтолько для справки (This Table is intended only as a guide. VLZ_58)
intended only as a guideпредназначен только для справочных целей (VLZ_58)
is a see also ofсм. также (portable is a see also of transportable MichaelBurov)
is a see also ofсм. тж. (MichaelBurov)
is a see also ofсмотри также (MichaelBurov)
is a see also ofсравни (cf. MichaelBurov)
is a stretchэто перебор (Is it your obsession with Eby and the NDP? Blaming him somehow for a project that was done by a different level of government before he was Premier is a stretch when there are so many legitimate things to complain about that aren’t childish whining like your comment. -- это уже перебор (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
it has taken a long time forпонадобилось немалое время, чтобы (+ infinitive: Although there are hundreds of good reports of ball lightning on record, many made by scientists, it has taken a long time for this phenomenon to gain scientific respectability. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
it has taken a long time forпотребовалось немало времени, чтобы (+ infinitive: Although there are hundreds of good reports of ball lightning on record, many made by scientists, it has taken a long time for this phenomenon to gain scientific respectability. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
it was a crazy schemeэто была авантюра (Leonid Dzhepko)
it was a reckless attemptэто была авантюра (предложено Палажченко П.Р. Leonid Dzhepko)
it was a reckless schemeэто была авантюра (Leonid Dzhepko)
it's a deal!согласен! (на сделку: It's a deal! -- Согласен! / По рукам! ART Vancouver)
it's a fine mess, I must sayвот так дела! нечего сказать
it's a good thing thatхорошо, что (I noticed that some St. Louis fans were booing the Canadian anthem. It's a good thing that we won't have to go back there after Tuesday's game.• Perhaps it was a good thing he went away. He would never have agreed with this. ART Vancouver)
it's a long way offдо этого ещё далеко (ART Vancouver)
it's a once-in-a-lifetime experienceтакое бывает только раз в жизни (ART Vancouver)
it's a waste of timeэто напрасная потеря времени
it's got a long way to goдо этого ещё далеко ("Well, we'll see what happens. It's got a long way to go, just so you understand. That has a long, long way to go." – До этого ещё очень далеко. – Donald Trump in an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes." ART Vancouver)
it's not a good ideaне стоит (Perhaps it's not a good idea to post compromising photos like this one? -- Может, не стоит выставлять в сеть такие компрометирующие фото? ART Vancouver)
just a call awayдостаточно сделать один звонок (sankozh)
just a little while agoсовсем недавно (ART Vancouver)
keep a careful eye onвнимательно следить за (It's a fluid situation, we're going to keep a careful eye on it. -- Ситуация постоянно меняется, мы будем внимательно за ней следить. ART Vancouver)
keep a close eye onвнимательно следить за (keep a close eye on the situation ART Vancouver)
let's have a lookпосмотрим (‘A telegram, sir,' said Jeeves, re-entering the presence. ‘Open it, Jeeves, and read contents. Who is it from?' ‘It is unsigned, sir.' ‘You mean there's no name at the end of it?' ‘That is precisely what I was endeavouring to convey, sir.' ‘Let's have a look.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
Like shooting ducks on a pondпросто (Interex)
Like shooting ducks on a pondлегко (Interex)
Like shooting ducks on a pondбез затруднения (Interex)
like shooting fish in a barrelбез затруднений (Liv Bliss)
like shooting fish in a barrelлегко (Liv Bliss)
like shooting fish in a barrelпросто (Liv Bliss)
like taking candy from a babyбез затруднений (Liv Bliss)
like taking candy from a babyлегко (Liv Bliss)
lull someone into a false sense of securityубаюкивать (ART Vancouver)
lump under a general umbrellaвалить в одну кучу (igisheva)
Madder than a wet henочень расстроенный (Interex)
Madder than a wet henочень рассерженный (Interex)
Madder than a wet henочень огорчённый (Interex)
Madder than a wet henочень разозлённый (Very angry or upset. Interex)
maintain a safe distanceнаходиться на безопасном расстоянии (from – от: Warning! Crocodiles inhabit these waters. Do not clean fish at the water's edge. Do not enter the water while fishing from the bank. Maintain a safe distance from the water. ART Vancouver)
make a choice between A and Bвыбирать между А и Б (He's got to make a choice between alcohol and his family. ART Vancouver)
make a conscious effortцеленаправленно работать (He also talked about the distinctive stylistic unity in the records he has produced, calling the sound "clean and tidy," and how his work with Linda Ronstadt changed the direction of her career. "I made a conscious effort to focus on the brilliance of her voice and her singing," he recounted. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
make a deep impressionпроизвести глубокое впечатление (upon sb. – на кого-л. ART Vancouver)
make a fortuneозолотиться (make a fortune in real estate ART Vancouver)
make a good argumentубедительно доказывать (To complicate the concept further, Spaxman makes a good argument that natural formations can be iconic. He specifies The Lions on the North Shore mountains. The Lions are made up of two distinct mountain peaks, which many long-time residents talk about with reverence. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
make a lot of money fromхорошо нагреть руки на (A lot of lawyers made a lot of money from this copyright infringement case which dragged on for 22 years. ART Vancouver)
make a lot of money fromхорошо нажиться на (A lot of lawyers made a lot of money from this copyright infringement case which dragged on for 22 years. ART Vancouver)
make a realityвоплотить в жизнь (“I am delighted that we are that much closer to the completion of this waterfront park plan. I would also like to express my most sincere gratitude to my friend and longtime resident of Westwood, Jim Green, for helping to make this a reality,” Clements said. ART Vancouver)
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Yearс Рождеством и с Новым годом (поздравление Leonid Dzhepko)
might be a long shot, butвероятность невелика, но (попробую что-л. – напр., получить ответ на вопрос): Might be a long shot, but I woke up with intense hives over my body and am wondering if anyone else is having the same problem. I’ve never had this before, and haven’t used any new products or done anything differently lately, except going swimming at English Bay beach yesterday for the first time in a month. Is it possible the water wasn’t safe and they just hadn’t tested it yet? (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
more than a fewнемало (There are more than a few cases on record where people have delved deep into a book on the domain of the occult and supernatural, only to open a door to, well, something. – Имеется немало документально подтверждённых случаев, когда ... • "In how many cases that you've investigated has a medical examiner actually been able to come up with the cause of death?" "There's been more than a few..." (Art Bell's interview with David Paulides)  ART Vancouver)
no one gave a damnвсем было по фигу (Leonid Dzhepko)
not a cloud in the skyна небе ни облачка (Юрий Гомон)
not a penny more, not a peny lessни пенсом больше, ни пенсом меньше (Alexander Matytsin)
not a penny more, not a peny lessни копейкой больше, ни копейкой меньше (Alexander Matytsin)
not a penny more, not a peny lessни центом больше, ни центом меньше (Alexander Matytsin)
not just aне просто (It's not just a pen, it's the revolutionary self-writing, autocorrecting pen. • "That's not just any baby, that's the baby." "The baby? What do you mean -- the baby?" "Muriel's baby, of course." (Jeeves And Wooster — Introduction on Broadway) ART Vancouver)
of a special sortособого рода (This district was known as the 'Garden of the North' long before tourist phraseology was invented. It attracted tourists of a special sort -- Highland raiders who helped themselves to the farm produce and fat cattle. Today the district is famous for prime Scotch beef. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
on a massive scaleв гигантских масштабах (A Victoria hospitalist is warning that if the province opens up access to a greater variety of highly addictive and potent opioids without a prescription or supervision, new addictions will occur “on a massive scale.” Dr. Mark Mallet was reacting to a call by chief coroner Lisa Lapointe this month for prescription-free access to a wider array of quality controlled opioids and stimulants to reduce illicit drug overdose deaths. -- новые случаи наркозависимости будут происходить в гигантских масштабах / достигнут гигантских масшабов nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
once-in-a-lifetimeуникальнейший (“This find is truly a once-in-a-lifetime discovery—the sort of thing you read about in textbooks and not something you expect to see coming out of the ground in front of you,” says Mortimer in a statement. -- уникальнейшая находка smithsonianmag.com ART Vancouver)
one foot on a banana peel the other in the graveпри смерти
passed away from a brief illnessскончался после непродолжительной болезни (It is with deep sadness that we share the news that Ian Punnett passed away from a brief illness yesterday. His keen intellect and delightful sense of humor will be deeply missed. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
play a critical roleиграть решающую роль (Our loyal customers tell us that our products have a critical role to play in their work. – играют решающую роль ART Vancouver)
play a major roleиграть важную роль (As hoped for, the researchers did find unique brain activity in the supramarginal gyrus when the volunteers were internalizing their speech compared to vocalizing it, supporting the idea that it plays a major role in the process. gizmodo.com ART Vancouver)
play a pivotal roleиграть важнейшую роль (Saint Jerome, in 384, exhorting the young Eustochium, said: "Read often, learn all you can. Let sleep envelop you, the scroll still in hand; when your head falls may it do so on a sacred page." Also, books and reading have always played a pivotal role in Christianity, which has earned it the term “religion of the book” through the success of its strategy of using books and textual propaganda medievalists.net ART Vancouver)
play a vital roleиграть огромную роль (Happy #CdnAgDay to all the hardworking and dedicated farmers and all involved in the movement of agricultural products at the Port of Vancouver. Today, we celebrate the incredible journey of agriculture products from farms across the country to tables around the world. We couldn't be prouder of the vital role farmers and port terminals play in providing grain, specialty crops, and feed to local and international markets. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
play a vital roleиметь огромное значение (Happy #CdnAgDay to all the hardworking and dedicated farmers and all involved in the movement of agricultural products at the Port of Vancouver. Today, we celebrate the incredible journey of agriculture products from farms across the country to tables around the world. We couldn't be prouder of the vital role farmers and port terminals play in providing grain, specialty crops, and feed to local and international markets. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
play a vital roleиграть первостепенную роль (Happy #CdnAgDay to all the hardworking and dedicated farmers and all involved in the movement of agricultural products at the Port of Vancouver. Today, we celebrate the incredible journey of agriculture products from farms across the country to tables around the world. We couldn't be prouder of the vital role farmers and port terminals play in providing grain, specialty crops, and feed to local and international markets. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
play a vital roleсыграть важную роль (в – in; также "play a vital part": "The erosion of any islands here would have released boulders that are likely to have contributed to the accumulation of the distinctive stone structures known locally as sarns." Dr Wood believes these sarns have played a vital part in perpetuating the story. bbc.com ART Vancouver)
quite a lot ofдовольно много (This design still leaves quite a lot of free space at the top. ART Vancouver)
second day in a rowвторой день подряд (Second day in a row one of our New West PD members has seized a replica handgun off a suspect. Cannot stress enough the risk in improperly carrying one of these things around. Police officers have little choice but to treat them as real until otherwise determined. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
set a standardзадать эталон (By creating Sherlock Holmes, Conan Doyle set the standard for the detective genre. – задал эталон детективного жанра ART Vancouver)
set a standardсоздать эталон (By creating Sherlock Holmes, Conan Doyle set the standard for the detective genre. He had set a standard to which other authors could only aspire. – задал эталон детективного жанра ART Vancouver)
set off on a journeyотправиться в путешествие (Realizing their lives were in a rut, in 2014 they decided to do something wild, putting away all of their possessions into storage, postponing their planned wedding, and setting off on a journey to tour Europe in their camper van. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
something of aв некотором роде (Affectionately known as the Asparamancer, Jemima Packington's process involves tossing a bundle of the vegetables into the air and then divining forthcoming events by observing how they land. Her unique technique has made her something of a celebrity in England and she has been credited with predicting both the election of Donald Trump in 2016 as well as the passing of Queen Elizabeth in 2022. (coasttocoastam.com) • Thomas 'Hoggy' Hogg, owner of the Blue Note Jazz Club, is something of a music legend in Bay City. – считается в некотором роде легендарной личностью ART Vancouver)
something of aнечто вроде (Affectionately known as the Asparamancer, Jemima Packington's process involves tossing a bundle of the vegetables into the air and then divining forthcoming events by observing how they land. Her unique technique has made her something of a celebrity in England and she has been credited with predicting both the election of Donald Trump in 2016 as well as the passing of Queen Elizabeth in 2022. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
take a balanced approachвзвешенно подходить (to sth. – к чему-л. ART Vancouver)
take a bio breakвыйти в туалет (Yeldar Azanbayev)
take a bio breakотлучиться по нужде (Yeldar Azanbayev)
take a favourable viewс одобрением относиться (of sth. – к чему-л.: A proposal to build a dense neighbourhood on Greenville’s west side faces opposition from residents of the surrounding area, but new polling suggests residents citywide take a more favourable view. ART Vancouver)
take a favourable viewодобрительно отнестись (of sth. – к чему-л.: A proposal to build a dense neighbourhood on Greenville’s west side faces opposition from residents of the surrounding area, but new polling suggests residents citywide take a more favourable view. ART Vancouver)
take a flightслетать (Take a flight to Miami to enjoy the glitz and glamour! ART Vancouver)
take a good lookхорошо рассмотреть (Four jets went up to investigate 'an ice cream cone topped with red', and one pilot, Captain Thomas F. Mantell, radioed back: 'I'm closing in now to take a good look.' ... (Janet & Colin Bord, Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century")  ART Vancouver)
take a hands-off approachне вмешиваться (The company takes a hands-off approach when it comes to the hours an employee works. ART Vancouver)
take a stroll through historyперенестись на столетия назад (sankozh)
take up a lot of spaceзанимать много места (как о физических предметах, так и о памяти: I have hundreds and hundreds of apps, and that takes up a lot of space. ART Vancouver)
that's a big sth.!вот это что-л.! (говоря о размере: The aptly named Shelley Smith helped wrangle the tortoise after spotting workers looking at what she thought was a rock in the field beside her Gilbert Street home in Richmond, south of Vancouver. "I looked again and saw ... it was moving. Ever so slowly — but moving," said Smith. "I walked over and we were all looking at it and saying 'jeez!' That's a big turtle! And he was just looking around at us like 'Hey, help me.'" -- Вот это черепаха! cbc.ca ART Vancouver)
that's a feasible planэтот план вполне осуществим
that's a long ways offдо этого ещё далеко (The long-range forecast does include some rain but that's a long ways off. ART Vancouver)
that's a new oneэто что-то новое (Montana is known for plenty of large wildlife like bears, mountain goats and elk. But elephants? That's a new one. (NBC Montana) youtube.com ART Vancouver)
that's a new oneэто что-то новенькое (Montana is known for plenty of large wildlife like bears, mountain goats and elk. But elephants? That's a new one. (NBC Montana) youtube.com ART Vancouver)
that's a new one!это ещё что за новость! (Leonid Dzhepko)
that's a nice thing to sayне ждал от тебя этого (обиженная реакция: That's a nice thing to say. -- Вот уж этого я от тебя не ждал. ART Vancouver)
there has been a lot of controversyразвернулась полемика (по поводу ART Vancouver)
there is a a host of reasons whyесть масса причин, по которым (“There is a host of reasons why things aren’t happening on those sites,” said Kirk Kuester, an executive vice-president with Colliers International in Vancouver. “It could be a situation on the owner’s side: ‘I missed the market and now I want to sell for yesterday’s price.’” Or it could be an environmental problem (sites of former gas stations and drycleaning operations are particularly difficult and can take years to resolve). Or it could be that an owner or developer has gotten lost in the city’s permitting labyrinth. Or they’re afraid of putting in short-term tenants. Or who knows.” bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
there is A and Bбывает разный ("Now we're all comfortable --- " "There is comfort and comfort," sniffed Mary Poppins. (Pamela Travers) -- Удобство бывает разное. ART Vancouver)
there is a partyесть такая партия (*There is a + noun* model = Есть такой ..., e.g. Are you saying there is a hack for peeling oranges I don't know about?: 'There is a party!' he exclaimed. -- "Есть такая партия!" ART Vancouver)
there is a view overоткрывается вид на (There are two golf courses and from Compton Acres gardens there is a superb view over the harbour. (AA Illustrated Guide to Britain) -- открывается великолепный вид на гавань ART Vancouver)
there is no question of a mistakeошибки быть не может (In June 1966 a couple on the lake [Seton Lake] in a 25-foot boat sailed alongside a giant fish. Paul Polischuk said: 'It was a giant sturgeon, a good ten feet longer than my boat. It swam close to the surface for quite a long time before turning and heading for deep water. There is no question of a mistake.' (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
there is no question of a mistakeошибка исключена (In June 1966 a couple on the lake [Seton Lake] in a 25-foot boat sailed alongside a giant fish. Paul Polischuk said: 'It was a giant sturgeon, a good ten feet longer than my boat. It swam close to the surface for quite a long time before turning and heading for deep water. There is no question of a mistake.' (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
there is not a cloud in the skyна небе ни облачка (Юрий Гомон)
there's still a long way to goещё рано праздновать (The app just hit its 10,000 check-in, but Falco knows there's still a long way to go. ART Vancouver)
this is a reminder thatнапоминаем вам, что (This is a reminder that Clarissa McKay is due for a dental check-up and cleaning on or after Thursday August 18, 2016. ART Vancouver)
this raises a lot of questionsвозникает масса вопросов (ART Vancouver)
this stays a nagging questionэтот вопрос неотступно меня преследует (There did seem to be something of a chemistry between the General Secretary and myself. Certainly it was different from talking to Gromyko. Incidentally, twice in our private conversation he invoked the name of God and once cited a Bible verse. This has stuck in my mind and stays a nagging question that won't go away. (Ronald Reagan's letter, Feb 10, 1986) ART Vancouver)
Tight as the bark on a treeочень экономный (Interex)
Tight as the bark on a treeскупой на деньги (Stingy when it comes to money. Interex)
Tight as the bark on a treeочень бережливый (Very frugal. Interex)
times in a rowраз подряд (In one PK experiment they conducted at a Las Vegas casino, they attempted to roll dice to try to get a pair without getting a seven (seven should come up once in every six rolls by chance). "We had a lady roll 48 times in a row with no seven," he marveled. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
Times, they are a changingвсё меняется со временем (Interex)
to a Tв точку (Leonid Dzhepko)
touch on a subjectзатронуть тему (How do people just vanish with no clues to what happen? Finally someone has finally touched on that subject providing hundreds of bone-chilling, hair-raising cases of people who have vanished without a trace. – затронул эту тему ART Vancouver)
touch on a topicкоснуться темы (There is another topic I'd like to touch on... – Мне хотелось бы коснуться и другой темы... • She also touched on the Dogon tribe, who had advanced astronomical knowledge that may have come from ETs, as well as such topics as crop circles, lunar & solar anomalies, and stargates. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
touch on a topicзатронуть тему (There are other topics I'd like to touch on. – Мне хотелось бы затронуть и другие темы. • She also touched on the Dogon tribe, who had advanced astronomical knowledge that may have come from ETs, as well as such topics as crop circles, lunar & solar anomalies, and stargates. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
turn into a way of lifeсделать повсеместным явлением (we helped turn this trend into a way of life for food manufacturers sankozh)
we wish you a speedy recoveryскорейшего выздоровления (ART Vancouver)
what a pity!как жаль!
what a schmuck!Хам трамвайный! (par Michele A. Berdy multitran.ru Leonid Dzhepko)
what is the point of a ...?в чём смысл ...? (What is the point of an election here in Canada if the losers can gang up and toss out the winner? I don't think this is what democracy is about. ART Vancouver)
wishing you a speedy recoveryскорейшего выздоровления (ART Vancouver)
wishing you a speedy recovery!желаю скорейшего выздоровления! (ART Vancouver)
within a relatively short period of timeза сравнительно короткий период времени (If the petroglyphs were made within a relatively short period of time, they may tell a story, said James Dodd, a researcher at Aarhus University in Denmark and the Tanums Hällristningsmuseum's Rock Art Research Centre Underslös in Sweden. livescience.com ART Vancouver)
within a short space of timeза короткое время (Within that short space of time these things usually are sorted out. – За это короткое время обычно всё становится на свои места. ART Vancouver)
within a short span of timeза короткий период времени (One curious aspect of the UFO phenomenon is how many sightings seem to come in waves, with many witnesses coming forward in the same area within a short span of time, for whatever reasons. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
within a short span of timeза короткий промежуток времени (One curious aspect of the UFO phenomenon is how many sightings seem to come in waves, with many witnesses coming forward in the same area within a short span of time, for whatever reasons. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
within a short span of timeв течение короткого времени (One curious aspect of the UFO phenomenon is how many sightings seem to come in waves, with many witnesses coming forward in the same area within a short span of time, for whatever reasons. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
without a moment's delayнезамедлительно (This draft must be reviewed without a moment's delay. ART Vancouver)
without a single shred of guiltбез малейшего зазрения совести (Sun-drenched mornings that turn into typical raincouver afternoons, so I can hike for a bit and then abandon all plans in favour of lying on the sofa and watching "Harry Potter" without a single shred of guilt. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
without a single shred of guiltне испытывая ни малейшего чувства вины (nsnews.com Alex_Odeychuk)
work a blue-collar jobработать на заводе, фабрике, лесопилке и т.п. (Grew up in a relatively small house by today's standards. My dad worked a blue-collar job. Mom stayed home and ran the household. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
work a blue-collar jobработать на промышленном предприятии (а также по любой рабочей специальности: Grew up in a relatively small house by today's standards. My dad worked a blue-collar job. Mom stayed home and ran the household. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
work a blue-collar jobработать на производстве (а также по любой рабочей специальности: Grew up in a relatively small house by today's standards. My dad worked a blue-collar job. Mom stayed home and ran the household. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
would you mind waiting for a few minutes?подождите, пожалуйста, несколько минут