
Terms for subject Formal containing a ways | all forms | in specified order only
in a constructive wayконструктивно (ART Vancouver)
in a similar wayподобным образом ("The poor old lad distinctly leaped. (...) The whole effect being much as if I had spiked him in the trousering with a gimlet or bodkin. I have seen salmon behave in a rather similar way during the spawning season." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
offer a wayпредоставить возможность (I have tried to remove my profile myself, but your platform apparently offers no way for users to remove their profiles. – не предоставляет / не даёт возможности ART Vancouver)
provide a valuable insight into the practical waysпредоставить весьма благоприятную возможность для рассмотрения практических методов (that the public and private sectors have come together – осуществления совместной деятельности организациями частного и государственного секторов financial-engineer)