
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Zero | all forms | exact matches only
be indexed starting from zeroиндексироваться с нуля (Alex_Odeychuk)
leading zeroнуль в начале (A zero that precedes the most significant (leftmost) digit of a number. One or more leading zeros may be used as fill characters in a field containing numeric input. Leading zeros have no significance in the value of a number)
percentage of queries with zero clickthroughпроцент запросов с нулевым числом выбранных рекламных объявлений (Office System 2010 Rori)
zero bug bounceотказ от приёма ошибок (" The first point in time after a milestone (typically code complete) that there are no active bugs accepted by the triage meetings that are older a specified amount of time (typically between 3 hours and 3 days). It is referred to as bounce because bugs checked in can cause regressions and these regressions can cause the number of bugs to "bounce" back up from zero.")
zero bug releaseвыпуск без ошибок (The first release to testing after all active bugs have been resolved. Rori)
zero defect stateсостояние без ошибок (A point in the product cycle when the code does not generate errors that break a build)
Zero Download Messengerсредство обмена сообщениями с нулевой загрузкой (A Web-based tool that enables mail recipients to decrypt and reply to encrypted e-mail messages that are sent from the Hosted Encryption service)
zero insertion force socketZIF-разъём (A type of socket design that does not require the CPU chip to be forcefully pushed into the socket)
zero-length stringпустая строка (A string that contains no characters)
zero power ODDс нулевым потреблением питания при простое (Pertaining to the ability to reduce the power consumption of optical disk drives in the operating system to zero to save energy when the drives are not in use)
zero power optical disk driveс нулевым потреблением питания при простое (Pertaining to the ability to reduce the power consumption of optical disk drives in the operating system to zero to save energy when the drives are not in use)
zero-ratedс нулевой ставкой (Denotes products for which the buyer pays no value-added tax (VAT) and for which the seller can recover the cost of the input tax levied on the sale)
zero suppressionподавление нулей (The elimination of leading (nonsignificant) zeros in a number. For example, zero suppression would truncate 000123.456 to 123.456)
zero-touch high-volume deploymentавтоматическое массовое развёртывание (microsoft.com bojana)
zero-touch installationполностью автоматическая установка (A hands-free, fully automated deployment)
Zero Trust"Никому не доверяй" (The security model designed to deal with threat from both inside and outside an organization and that utilizes a multi-pronged approach to detect and prevent security breaches vlad-and-slav)
zero valueнулевое значение (A value equal to 0 (zero))